Corrections Policy
At EssentiallySports (accessible at, we strive to ensure that the information we furnish is accurate, verified, and equitable. In case a mistake or an error is made, we recognize the importance of acknowledging the same and working towards rectifying it. We also encourage our readers and contributors to provide us with feedback on our content.
The hallmark of quality and responsible journalism is to hold oneself accountable and acknowledge the need for prompt corrections after discovering an error. Thus, EssentiallySports is dedicated to providing accurate information as soon as a mistake is brought to attention.
What is done when an error is spotted or reported in an article?
- When an error is detected within an article, we immediately find the correct information and make the changes through our content management system, wherever appropriate.
- When our information is factually correct with an ambiguous explanation of those facts, the language shall be rewritten even after the piece is published.
- When an error is found by a reader and is brought to notice through the comments section in an article, the editor shall duly take note of that, and the error shall be timely rectified.
- If we publish erroneous information on social media, we shall duly proceed with the same process as stipulated above, as per the platform’s mechanism.
- If there exists a correction that changes the entire context of an article, we shall necessitate an editor’s note as appropriate, with the addition of an explanation of why the rectification was required.
- If a reader or any other entity stipulates that the information presented in an article is inaccurate, we shall first investigate and, if absolutely necessary, take down the article. In case the article warrants only rectification, the article shall be updated with the rectified information.
- If an article on the website contains documented information or statistics that have changed over time, the Editor or the Content Heads shall ask the respective writer to update the information accordingly.
- If we come across a situation where the embedded content within the article is removed by the source publication, we will act in accordance with the context of the removal. If necessary, we would either rewrite the article to update our audience regarding the edit or withdraw the article.
- If we are made aware that the image/video used in our article has infringed the copyright or is deemed unsuitable, we shall immediately remove the said image/video content from the article.
Contact Information:
If you have a comment or question about our Corrections practices or other editorial policies, please email us at:
Corrections Policy Update: 02/02/2024