
Tonight’s red brand show aired from Van Andel Arena in Grand Rapids, Michigan with all the storylines heating up in lieu of Survivor Series this week. WWE intensified the hype around the Women’s World Championship match between Rhea Ripley and Zoey Stark tonight in scintillating fashion. A startling backstage segment between the looming opponents ensued.

After some stellar matches, we saw a frenzied Rhea Ripley and Dominik Mysterio hitting The Judgment Day locker room. However, what they saw next came as a shock to them.

Rhea Ripley threatened a cocky Zoey Stark in Judgment Day’s locker room


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The duo found Zoey Stark and Shayna Baszler resting there. It led up to a heated segment between Ripley and Stark. The Australian seemed pissed off however she was not allowed to gain the upper hand. The 29-year-old tempted the current Women’s World Champion by saying, ”You are so focused on everything else except for one thing you really should be focused on.. me. you know actually I got to give it to you this is really cute. the toys, the decorations the little knickknacks but you know what really stuck out to me though? That right there is the Women’s World Championship.”

Ripley promptly fired back. ”Most people wouldn’t survive pulling a stunt like you just did what kind of respect… you get your beating at Survivor Series,” she warned.

Stark accepted the champion’s remark without displaying any fear as she left the premises. We are rest assured that a nail-biting showdown between the two fierce women awaits us in the coming week.

ALSO READ: Has Rhea Ripley Surpassed WWE Hall Of Famer Chyna’s Accomplishments?

But will Ripley get away with her belt once again next week in Chicago like she always does? Let’s explore the possibilities.

Can Rhea Ripley get the upper hand over Stark at Survivor Series this week?

No one can deny the fact that 2023 has been a blockbuster year for The Eradicator and she continues to run the game. She has claimed back-to-back wins in her name. The last obstacle at Crown Jewel also went favorably despite four stout females desperately vying to snatch her spot. That said, there’s no reason to assume the same in her upcoming fight against Zoey Stark. Or do some legitimate reasons exist?

Well, as per our perceptions, it seems like Zoey Stark is yet to reach the potential to dethrone Rhea Ripley. Although she has made a name for herself over the past few months, there’s still massive room for a more sustained push. WWE needs to ensure that she reaches her ceiling in order to convincingly beat Ripley in her own game.


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Also, WWE might have another off-beat reason to let the belt shine on Ripley’s waist for some more time as they are heading into the Australian ground after six long years to pull out an exciting Elimination Chamber next year.

With Ripley being an Australian, the company might find it compelling to let her enter the Optus stadium in front of her homegrown crowd with the Champion’s glory. Last but not least, for the powerhouse that she is, WWE will be wise to save her mojo till WrestleMania presents her as a true heel champion.


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What’s your take on Rhea Ripley warning Zoey Stark ahead of their Survivor Series encounter next week? Let us know in the comments.