
The American Nightmare has been currently making rounds due to his ongoing feud with the Japanese sensation, Shinsuke Nakamura. They’ve faced each other several times at house shows before locking horns on live television in December. The feud escalated to greater heights when the nefarious Nakamura blinded Cody Rhodes with the red mist and earned himself a DQ loss. This week, Rhodes escaped the mist but a timekeeper got hurt in the process.

Rhodes seemed genuinely concerned for him and offered his help as he has a special connection with that timekeeper.

The real reason for Cody Rhodes’ visible concern about a timekeeper getting misted


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In the advertised rematch on RAW this week, Nakamura attacked Rhodes in the back during his backstage interview. Due to a brawl, a stipulation was added to the match, making it a Street Fight. But Nakamura couldn’t utilize the chance to use his underhanded tactics on Rhodes. After a series of back-and-forth attacks, he accidentally misted a timekeeper standing near the ringside. It led the former AEW star to immediately come out to the fallen figure’s aid,

The latest report revealed the victim was Rhodes’ cousin, Berkley Ottman, and the generous gesture now made complete sense to us and the wrestling fraternity.

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Moreover, Rhodes had the last laugh over the sinister wrestler and ended the feud for good.

Cody Rhodes closed a chapter by picking up a decisive win over Shinsuke Nakamura

Cody Rhodes might not be able to finish his story yet, but he finished Shinsuke Nakamura’s story by beating him in a fantastic street fight tonight

Nakamura made a cocky claim to finish Rhodes’ story during the initial phase of their rivalry. But not being able to live up to the claim in their last encounter, he agreed to a rematch on the January 8 episode. But little did he know that again, he would meet his match.


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The two foes butt heads in the main event of the Monday night after weeks of build-up to put their feud to bed. As the match had been changed into a Street Fight due to an early backstage contest, it turned quite violent with a lot of weapons and strikes. Nakamura ambushed Rhodes with a Kendo Stick and a pair of nunchucks. Rhodes also used the Kendo Stick on Nakamura. Shortly after the former AEW star was able to escape the mist attack as he skilfully dodged Nakamura and made him crash into a table. Then he ended the saga by hitting a Cross Rhodes to Nakamura and picking up the win.


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The next target for the American Nightmare is the 30-man match emanating from Tropicana Field, Florida.