
This week’s on the Day 1 edition of Monday Night Raw, Dwayne Johnson made a surprising appearance. He shared a promo with former WWE Champion Jinder Mahal, who also returned to WWE after quite a while. During the promo, ‘The Great One’ insulted Mahal with not only words but a few maneuvers as well.

In addition, he also made fun of his own movie, which earned $177 Million at the box office. Let’s find out which one of his movies he mocked and what exactly he said on the Raw segment this past Monday.

Dwyane Johnson is not a big fan of Baywatch


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A returning Mahal was venting out his frustrations on the WWE Universe when Johnson interrupted and confronted him on stage. The Hollywood star then laid a few insults on him. He said, “If The Rock had to guess why you’re so angry, it’s probably because nobody likes you and you’re not funny. As a matter of fact, if you were one of The Rock’s movies, you would probably be Baywatch.” 

Mahal said that he has never watched Baywatch, which promoted Johnson to say, “Well nobody else did either. Shut your mouth when The Rock is talking to you.” It appeared as if ‘The Rock’ is not a big fan of his movie, Baywatch, (despite it doing good at the box office) which is why he used it as a reference to insult the former WWE Champion on Raw this week.

Well, Mahal was not the only one who received shots from the pro-wrestler-turned-Hollywood actor. The latter also targeted his cousin, Roman Reigns, hinting at a potential feud in the near future.

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Mahal attacked Johnson after he insulted him. ‘The Brahma Bull’ counteracted and schooled him in the middle of the ring with a Spine Buster, followed by a People’s Elbow. After that, Johnson shifted his attention to the WWE Univers and used a smart reference to address his cousin, Roman Reigns.

Read More – Former Champion in WWE Consults Dwayne Johnson on “How To Beat Up” the Rock’s Cousin

He said that after Raw, he would be going out to eat. So he asked the WWE Universe to suggest to him a good place to satiate his hunger. He asked his fans whether he should sit at a booth, a bar or the head of the table when he goes out to eat.


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Reigns is ‘The Head of the Table’ in WWE, which led the fans to ponder that ‘The Corporate Champion’ was addressing ‘The Tribal Chief’. Do you like the Baywatch movie or do you share the same sentiment as Dwyane Johnson? Let us know in the comments below.

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