
The character that follows Hulk Hogan has dual personalities. The West knows Hogan as the kid-friendly Hulkster with real-life scandals and backstage politics. However, unlike the formulaic finishes in the West, pro wrestling was sold with an “authentic” appeal in Japan. As opposed to the prolonged beatdowns before he hulked up that worked for American audiences, Ichiban had to resort to being more technique-focused. Besides being a pop icon whose stints were chronicled in a comic biography, there was another link that tied Hogan to Japan. It involved his romantic indulgences with a Japanese girl.

Hogan’s life outside the ring has intrigued his fans as much as his in-ring exploits. While many are aware of his relationships and family in the U.S., few are familiar with his personal life in Japan. Recently, Hogan himself revealed one of the most bizarre stories of his personal life, that made him almost faint.

Hulk Hogan reveals a bizarre story about his ex-Japanese girlfriend


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On the Full Send podcast, Hogan first talked about a Japanese woman that he dated back in the late ’70s. While talking about a shocking event involving her, he told the guests that he had moved on from her and started dating a California woman. When he told the Japanese woman about it, she didn’t take it well, and later Hogan regretted it at his parents’ house.

He narrated, “When I walked into the house that Japanese girl was at my house. She was crying when I walked in. I walked in and saw the Japanese girl at my mother’s house and my dad, I about fainted, especially with the look my dad gave me. Called Horace and I said get your a** over here and get her out of here. I never saw her again.

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In the interview, Hogan explains that Horace Hogan was his nephew, who he took under his wing. Following in his uncle’s footsteps, Horace Hogan went to Japan to wrestle and make a name for himself.

Fate worked out well as Horace was also going to Japan, and he took the Japanese girl with him back to her homeland. But this isn’t the first time that Hogan’s complications with women have surfaced in the media and made headlines.

Hulk Hogan’s problems with his wife


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The woman who gave birth to Hogan’s two children and was the longest relationship that Hogan had been in was Linda Hogan. Featuring in the TV show, Hogan Knows Best, the public got to see the wife of The Hulkster daily. But soon after the conclusion of the show, there were many clashes between the pair.

These clashes became instant headlines for the media to grab the audience’s attention. But despite an ugly divorce and months of hatred towards each other, even Linda admitted that Hogan was one heck of a husband.


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