
Tony Khan, the CEO of AEW, always finds a way to make headlines. More often than not, this is always for his outrageous statements on social media. Proving the naysayers right, Khan was at it again as a beloved figure in Japanese pro wrestling was released by his former employers.

Rossy Ogawa has been a figurehead of World Wonder Ring Stardom in Japan for 14 years since 2010. This resulted in fans being shocked as the company let go of the prominent figure. Citied to be instrumental in the popularity of women’s pro wrestling in Japan, Rossy was not only loved but respected by the fans. He was also Stardom’s head producer.

While reports indicate he could be making a bline towards the WWE next, AEW’s Tony Khan took to social media to throw shade at the now-former boss of Stardom. Khan said, “Bye Rossy!” This was accompanied by a gif with the caption, “The Big Goodbye.”