
Former WWE Champion Chris Jericho was invited to the podcast of Chris Van Vliet recently. Jericho talked about working under Tony Khan, AEW’s first 5 years since its inception, his desire to wrestle Brock Lesnar for real, and much more.

During the podcast spanning a little over an hour, he also talked about his days under Vince McMahon. He recalled his days with WWE as a pleasant experience and has advice for younger performers.

Chris Jericho believes wrestlers should work for Vince McMahon once


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Chris Jericho joined AEW in 2019 when he became their inaugural AEW Champion. He has been one of Tony Khan’s top superstars since the first day and continues to be an integral part of the company. Though he has been loyal to AEW, he advised AEW stars to work for WWE once.

While explaining the reason behind his advice he said, “And I say this all the time in AEW, I think everybody could use six months working for Vince McMahon. Because that’s what you really understand what wrestling is, the wrestling business is and how the business works.

Chris Jericho is a veteran in the wrestling business who is known for his popular gimmick changes. Over the years he has reinvented his gimmick many times while keeping himself fresh and relevant in the business. Hence, his advise is valuable here and he thinks working for McMahon will make you understand the wrestling business better.

One of the reasons behind the failure of many younger talents is they consider wrestling to be proportionate to in-ring skills. But there are more layers to it as most top pro-wrestlers are natural entertainers.

Read more: WWE Legend Claims Vince McMahon’s Vision Kept AEW’s Current Top Star From Being ‘Noticed’

There was another reason for Jericho to advise to work under Vince McMahon. He praised Vince McMahon’s behavioral trait which is a reason behind the success of WWE.

Chirs Jericho appreciates work ethic of Vince McMahon


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Jericho said about Vince McMahon, “But he has that work ethic, he would always say I don’t expect you to do anything that I wouldn’t do myself. And that rubs off.” As per Jericho, the boss sets the example himself about work standards. Vinnie Mac’s physique is a testament to Jericho’s statement.

Jericho further stated that WWE has a strict policy regarding their work ethic practices. Superstars are expected to perform certain tasks. If they fail, there are major consequences. He said, “Because if you don’t, you know there’s gonna be consequences, and big ones.” It is something he wants everyone at AEW to understand for the success of the young promotion. 


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Do you agree with Chris Jericho’s statement?

Watch this story: Every WWE Superstar Who Attacked Vince McMahon