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Latest The Legend of Zelda News

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Xbox, PlayStation and Nintendo Consoles Should Seriously Get the Next Gen Remake of These Epic Franchise Titles

Following the trend of remaking games for the latest consoles, here is a list of games developers cannot afford to miss out on.

Top 10 Classic Nintendo Games That Would Still Beat the Next Gen

Here's a list of some timeless Nintendo games that every gaming enthusiast should try at least once in their lifetime!

Ranking Top 5 ‘The Legend of Zelda’ Titles and Tears of the Kingdom Is Not First

Here's a list of the best The Legend of Zelda games, and what do you know, Tears of the Kingdom is not at the top!

Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom Expected to Sell 20 Million Copies in Less Time Than Its Predecessor

Zelda: Breath of the Wild's critically acclaimed sequel Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom set to hit 20 million sales in record breaking time.

Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom Loses Top Ten Spot First Time Since Release

With the Game Awards 2023 coming soon, Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom has lost its spot in the top 10 charts for the first since its release.

Here’s Why the Legend of Zelda Series Is Still Relevant After All These Years

The Legend of Zelda series is still one of the most successful franchises out there, what is the secret of its success? Let's find out.

A Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom Player Has Finished the Open-World Adventure Without Setting Foot on the Surface!

Zelda Tears of the Kingdom player stragicially plans and completes the entire game without once touching the surface of the Hyrule Kingdom.
nintendo zelda tears of the kingdom shield surfing

Watch: Nintendo Live 2023 Concert Mesmerizes the Netizens With the Legend of Zelda-Themed Musical Bliss

Netizens have come in awe of The Legend Of Zelda-themed musical concert that happened at the Seattle Convention Center for Nintendo Live 2023.

Thanks to Nintendo, Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom Players Are Getting More Free Items Now!

Developer Nintendo is offering more free in-game items to players of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom through its news channel.

Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom Player Makes a Perfect Tony Hawk Level Skate Track and Then…Skates Away

Fans are quite amazed at a Zelda fan who pulled off a great trick in placing zonaite plates to make a sky ramp for his skateboarding.
The Legend of Zelda_ Tears of the Kingdom

Genshin Impact Chief Shares the Emotions of Staff on Facing Accusations of Copying Zelda: Breath of the Wild

Liu "Dawei" Wei, co-founder and president of miHoYo shares the emotions team of Genshin Impact went through during 'copying' allegations

“A Part of Me Wishes I Live in New York”- Tears of Kingdom Scavenger Hunt at Nintendo NY and Rockefeller Center Has Left Zelda Fans Ecstatic

Zelda fans were ecstatic over Tears of the Kingdom scavenger hunt at Rockefeller Center, NY. It was a celebration of the love for the game.
The Legend of Zelda_ Tears of the Kingdom Scavenger Hunt at Nintendo NY and Rockefeller Center 0-24 screenshot

Nintendo Files a Series of Lucrative Patents for Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom

Nintendo has decided to file a patent on gameplay mechanics of The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom, here's why!

Double Bonanza Surprise Comes for the Nintendo Community With Regards to Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom and Wii Users

This might be good news for fans as Nintendo brought back Wii servers of both Mario Kart 8 and Splatoon on the 3rd of August.

Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom Records a Massive Sales Record for Japanese Gaming Giants Nintendo

Nintendo's newly launched The Legends of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom reached a new record for Switch with an amazing sale record.

Top Gameplay Features We Wish Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom Borrowed From Its Prequel

The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom is pretty much a perfect game, but here are some things fans wished it retained!

“You Reached Your Peak Artistic Endeavors in 1989”- Zelda Community Are Awestruck by This 35-Year-Old Fan-Made Script

A fan made The Legend of Zelda inspired story resurfaced online after a thirty-five-year-old gamer shared it saying they wrote at seven.

Most Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom Fans Are Fighting the Final Boss the Hard Way!

Fans of The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom not killing the final boss of this game the way it is intended, does it matter?

Where Does Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom Stand Amongst the Best Games in the Series?

The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom is a wildly successful game, but how does it stand against the best in the series?

Actual Reason Why Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom’s Open World Is Becoming a Problem for It’s Players

The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom might be too big for some players to handle, as they keep missing important things!

Unpopular Opinion: Why Fans Think Breath of the Wild Was Better Than Tears of the Kingdom?

Does Zelda: Breath of the Wild tell a better story than the recently launched Tears of the Kingdom? Fans cannot decide as they battle on social media!

A Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom Player Seems to Have Created a Goose as Big as a Dinosaur

Legend of Zelda: Tears of Kingdom player comes up with ingenuine idea of building a huge goose in the open world game

“I am Become Death, Destroyer of Lynels”: Fans Hilariously Respond to Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom Meeting Barbie, Thanks to A Glitch

Fans have hilarious reactions to a latest clip that shows a glimpse of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom character in a 'Barbie' themed battle.
Tears of the Kingdom

Was Zelda’s Arc in Tears of the Kingdom Better Than Its Prequel?

Many suggest that The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom gave Princess Zelda a much better story arc, did it though?

Heartwarming Video Shows How a Father Used Microsoft’s Xbox Adaptive Controller To Make His Daughter Play The Legend of Zelda With a Priceless Smile on Her Face

A father utilized Microsoft's Xbox Adaptive Controller to make his daughter, suffering from a disorder, enjoy Nintendo's Zelda game.

“People Hated Him in BOTW Too”: Fan Reacts on Why Nintendo Could Not Succeed in Making This The Legend of Zelda : Tears of the Kingdom Hero Likeable

"Discover of Yunobo in The Legend of Zelda series - once beloved, now polarizing. Explore the reasons behind fans' contrasting sentiments."

About The Legend of Zelda

The Legend of Zelda: History, Timeline, and 2023 Updates

The Legend of Zelda is one of the most well-known video game franchises, with a history of nearly four decades. Starting in 1986, The Legend of Zelda, simply referred to as Zelda, is an action-adventure franchise by Nintendo.

Being developed by the Japanese giants, the Zelda games have always been exclusive to the Nintendo consoles. Every Zelda game revolves around various incarnations of a young elf-like Hylian warrior Link; Princess Zelda, the mortal reincarnation of Goddess Hylia; and Ganon, the warlord-turned-demon king.


The Legend of Zelda: Gameplay and Timeline

The primary gameplay of almost every Zelda game has been a mix of elements like puzzles, action, adventure, battles, and exploration. Nintendo has always kept these features in every Zelda game and tried to refine them with advancing technology. Later the series also introduced some RPG elements, but it sparked a heated argument among fans as to whether label it as an RPG.

The Legend of Zelda has always been a groundbreaking series in the gaming industry, as it was the first video game to allow players to save their game before finishing a level. Further, 1998's The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time introduced the targeting mechanism, allowing users to lock the camera onto a target, simplifying the 3D combat.

But the gameplay isn't where this series gets complicated; it's the timeline. The Legend of Zelda is a video game that possibly has the most complex timeline in gaming history. The 19 installments in the series are not released in chronological order, nor are they all in the same timeline. Instead, there are several alternate timelines in the Zelda series.

Skyward Sword

The Minish Cap

Four Swords

Ocarina of Time

  • Decline Timeline
  • Child Timeline
  • Adult Timeline

A Link to the Past

Majora's Mask

The Wind Waker

Link's Awakening

Twilight Princess

Phantom Hourglass

Oracle of Seasons & Ages

Four Swords Adventures

Spirit Tracks

A Link Between Worlds

Tri Force Heroes

The Legend of Zelda (original)

The Adventure of Link

Breath of the Wild (Unplaced, but still canon)

Tears of the Kingdom (Sequel to Breath of The Wild)

 The Legend of Zelda's recent games

The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild is one of the latest installments in this renowned video game series. It is an action-adventure title that was first released in 2017 for Wii U. But it became even more popular when it was one of the first games that were playable on Nintendo's latest Switch console.

This 2017's Nintendo game revolves around the protagonist Link, who woke up after a 100-year hibernation. Now, the great warrior must journey across unknown lands to reclaim his memories and find a way to save Hyrule from a great threat.

The latest available Zelda game is a remake of a Wii classic. In 2021, Nintendo remade the 2011-released Skyward Sword with HD graphics and smoother gameplay for Nintendo Switch. This game is also a main installment, but it is the first game of the Zelda timeline.

This 2011's Wii game is the starting point for every other game that is there in the Zelda series. In this game, the protagonist Link, a citizen of Skyloft, goes out to rescue his childhood friend Zelda when she is abducted and dragged to the surface, the abandoned lands beneath the sky. This game also tells the origins of the Master Sword, a legendary weapon in this series.

The future and scope of The Legend of Zelda

The future of The Legend of Zelda as of now is Tears of the Kingdom, which is the sequel to 2017's Breath of the Wild. This is an upcoming action-adventure game that will release on May 12, 2023. This Nintendo Switch game will continue the plot where the previous game ended.

Link would once again set on a new journey across Hyrule and the sky above to seek answers and power to defeat an evil force that threatens the Hyrule Kingdom, possibly the Great King of Evil, Ganondorf. Tears of the Kingdom will once again introduce many exciting new features like flying, and crafting.


There is the possibility that it could be the last Legend of Zelda title on a Nintendo Switch. There are rumors about the Japanese giants making a successor to Switch. Then Tears of the Kingdom could also be the first game on that new platform, similar to how Breath of the Wild was released on both WiiU and Nintendo Switch.

As for the future of Zelda's plot, it is a tough thing to predict after looking at the complex timeline of this series. There are chances the next title after Tears of the Kingdom could be a direct sequel. Also, the creators have other timelines to explore. As for the future of this series, there are countless possibilities to continue the plot.


First release The Legend of Zelda - February 21, 1986
Latest releaseThe Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom - May 12, 2023
Main series
  • The Legend of Zelda(original)
  • The Adventure of Link
  • A Link to the Past
  • Link's Awakening
  • Ocarina of Time
  • Majora's Mask
  • Oracle of Seasons & Ages
  • Four Swords
  • The Wind Waker
  • Four Swords Adventures
  • The Minish Cap
  • Twilight Princess
  • Phantom Hourglass
  • Spirit Tracks
  • Skyward Sword
  • A Link Between Worlds
  • Tri Force Heroes
  • Breath of the Wild
  • Tears of the Kingdom
  • Nintendo EAD (1986–2013)
  • Flagship (2002–2004)
  • Grezzo (2011–2019)
  • Nintendo EPD (2015–present)
  • Nintendo Entertainment System
  • Super Nintendo Entertainment System
  • Game Boy
  • Nintendo 64
  • Game Boy Color
  • Game Boy Advance
  • GameCube
  • Wii
  • Nintendo DS
  • Nintendo 3DS
  • Wii U
  • Nintendo Switch