Very few people in NBA history have left their mark on a city quite like Dwyane Wade. While names like Kobe Bryant and Allen Iverson became fan favorites in LA and Philadelphia respectively, no one captures the essence of Miami and Wade County. Never before has a city and a player embraced each other quite like the two did. Now, as Wade gets ready for a historic honor, Wade County waits with bated breath.
In the meanwhile, the former No. 3 overall pick finally had the secret to his post-basketball success revealed.
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What makes Dwyane Wade, Dwayne Wade?
In an era where people will compromise their beliefs and morals to sell their endorsement, Wade is the genuine article. Whether it’s as an analyst or owner, he sells what he believes. That connection and authenticity have made him a global brand.
As celebrity stylist Jason Bolden breaks down the idea behind his style, he let slip one key secret, “I think everything you see of Dwyane is a piece of what is happening in his life or what’s to come in his life.”
He further elaborated on how that translated over to other people. “Everybody gets that piece because he truly is having a good time and I think that’s what people feel.” For Jason, the idea is to unite people. And he spreads that message through clothes.
“It’s actually nice to see how clothes impact conversation, and clothes [are] like music… Globally, we can all connect on and understand.” It is this idea that he’s embodied in Wade’s style.
Fittingly, after all these years, D-Wade is finally donning an iconic jacket – one that the all-time greats have all put on at some point.
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D-Wade is set for an historic honor
When talking about the greatest shooting guards of all time, the common list includes names like Michael Jordan and Kobe Bryant. If you’re a fan of cultural impact, you might say Allen Iverson. However, one name that bridges the gap between the two, while fully deserving that spot, is Dwyane Wade.
Over his 15-year career, he accomplished just about everything there is to achieve in the NBA. The 3-time Champ became the first from the vaunted class of ’03 to win a chip. His heroics had him firmly in the discussion for best-player-in-the-world for a good half-decade.
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Even more sound was his impact on culture. Flash?became synonymous with Miami, and today, the NBA finally gets to celebrate a legend – One who inspired LeBron James and stopped Gilbert Arenas from trash-talking. His impact both on and off the court is legendary.
Finally, he takes his place among the elite in the Hall of Fame. And as he does, no name feels more deserving of the honor than the Miami Heat legend.