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In the dynamic and ever-changing world of the NBA, imaginary scenarios and ?What ifs? are a big part of the conversation. What would a Michael Jordan and LeBron James matchup look like? What would have happened if the Charlotte Hornets had never chosen to part ways with Kobe Bryant? If there is anyone who likes to give his opinion on such matters, then it is former NBA legend Paul Pierce. Bringing up Los Angeles Lakers legend Shaquille O?Neal?s name recently, Pierce proceeded to make a bold claim over the 2010-11 NBA season.

Together with his former teammate Kevin Garnett, the Boston Celtics icon has often discussed imaginative scenarios that many fans would have given a second thought about.

Paul Pierce claims a healthy Shaquille O’Neal would have helped the Celtics win the 2011 championship


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It all started a few days ago when Kevin Garnett released another episode of his KG Certified podcast. Paul Pierce joined in as co-host as usual. The two proceeded to discuss what it was like to have Shaquille O?Neal as a Boston Celtics teammate during the latter?s final year in the NBA. From Shaq and Nate Robinson pulling pranks on each other to the Big Aristotle taking up three people?s space when sitting on the bench, the segment was filled with the duo recalling nostalgic memories.

During the same segment, Pierce and Garnett recalled Shaq?s foot injuries that plagued him throughout the season and forced him to take an early retirement. Taking the above viewpoint into consideration, Pierce put one of his imaginary scenarios forward by stating, “I am telling you, if we had him healthy, I think we would have won it that year.”

Pierce?s comment would have reminded fans of how O’Neal helped the Celtics start the season with a 17-4 record but had to miss out on most of the year after having undergone a hip injury. Furthermore, his contributions were hampered by an Achilles injury that plagued him throughout the season.


Despite Shaq?s absence, the team managed to reach the Eastern Conference Semi-Finals but were knocked out by the Miami Heat. Pierce believed that the Celtics had a great start during that season. The Big Ticket agreed with that point by stating, ?We only wish we got him (Shaq) earlier. He hurt his hip? We could have did some s**t.?

Shaquille O’Neal frontcourt’s skills could have given the Celtics an edge

Paul Pierce and Kevin Garnett are two people who have pondered the most on what could have been different during the 2010-11 NBA season. The duo has a valid reason for claiming that Shaq?s absence had a big impact on their team. The author himself agrees with their opinion. Despite being 38 years old when he joined the Celtics, Shaq was still Shaq. With his 7’1 stature, the Big Aristotle could have done well with the 2010 Eastern Conference champions.

With a healthy Shaq by their side, the Celtics could have set up a formidable frontcourt. Furthermore, Shaq could have also solidified the team?s defense through his shot-altering presence. This hypothesis could be understood by taking the playoffs into consideration. Without Shaq?s presence, players like Dwyane Wade, LeBron James, and Chris Bosh easily managed to get past the Celtics’ defense and win the series 4-1.

“I was just a role player then, but if we’d have made it to this thing, I would have f***ed LeBron and D-Wade up in the playoffs. I promise I would have,? said Shaq during a recent interview. ?That would have been my role. Like, as soon as they come to the hole, touch ’em up.”

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Even if Shaq had managed to demolish the Heat?s chances of reaching the Finals, he and the Celtics would still have had to face the No.1 seeded Chicago Bulls, led by MVP Derrick Rose, and the eventual champions Dallas Mavericks. Shaq had faced the Mavericks back in the 2006 Finals when he was still playing for the Heat. Despite averaging 13.7 points and 10.2 rebounds during the Finals, Shaq knew how to face off against the roster. Through his rebounding skills, Shaq could have delivered some extra possessions and limited the scoring opportunities for Dirk Nowitzki?s team.

The Big Aristotle’s experience with the Heat would have come in handy

Shaq’s on-court skills weren’t the only thing that could have worked for the Celtics. Having played alongside Dwyane Wade for four years and LeBron James for a year, the Big Aristotle might have been aware of the things to look out for when going head-to-head with the two. This extra edge would have made all the difference during the Eastern Conference Semis.

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Kevin Garnett mentioned during the segment that Shaq was a fun man to be around. This showed that O’Neal had a reasonable impact on the team?s morale. When you fuse his wholesome personality with the fact that he already had four championships to his name, Shaq certainly was a good leader to follow into battle. Without him, the Celtics’ chances of making a deep postseason run met a road bump.

Shaquille O’Neal’s absence was a major factor in the Celtics’ struggles to win a championship. His opponents exploited the vulnerabilities created by injuries, limited playing time, and an inability to set up a proper frontcourt. It is true that the Celtics managed to reach the Eastern Conference Semis without Shaq?s help. In the end, however, his absence from both the offensive and defensive side of the game resulted in the team not getting the edge they needed to take on Miami.

By taking the above points into consideration, Paul Pierce?s belief stays justified. Despite the fact that Shaquille O?Neal was approaching the end of his playing days, the Celtics would?ve added another championship in 2011 had Shaquille O’Neal not been injured.


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