
via Imago

via Imago

Stephen Curry wears many hats: He’s the leader of the Golden State Warriors dynasty who has won four NBA championships in nine seasons, a loving husband, a caring father to three kids, and a philanthropist committed to giving back to society. Getting a “maybe” from such a star, who shows his willingness (probable) to run for the Presidential elections in the future may come as a shocker. It may as well be unimaginable for most of us.

But if the same NBA star has been long mentored by none other than ex-POTUS Barack Obama, it might as well add to that much-needed context. In a recent CBS interview, Stephen Curry stated that he may (one day) become the President of the United States. When quizzed about his ambitions of being the President, Steph replied by saying, “Maybe. I have an interest in leveraging every part of my influence for good in the way that I can… So, if politics is a way that you can create meaningful change.” When the journalist asked about his ambitions for the 2028 presidency, Curry replied, “No. Not that soon.”


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For those of you still confused, try to divert your attention to Stephen Curry’s close circle. He does hang out with the ex-president, golfing together regularly. If he does ever wanted to run for the elections in the future, Curry would most likely do it for the Democratic party because of his connection with the ex-President. And if he ever does really want to get into that realm, it’s highly likely he would do this in the coming 4-6 years. It might be a dramatic change, and it might be too soon for him, but then again, revisit the statements that he gave to CBS. He wants to “leverage” every part of his influence.

Over the many times he has spent time with President Obama, there was a time when Curry participated in a government advertisement in 2016, aptly titled “The Mentorship”, aptly giving us a view into the kind of bond they share.

It’s safe to suggest that Stephen Curry and Barack Obama share a cordial and mutually respectful relationship. Curry has been an avid supporter of various causes, which make him fit to run for the elections, at any time in the future.

Stephen Curry – A political ‘Warrior’ in the making?


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It might come as a shocker for most that Curry may be planning to run for the elections in the future, but it really isn’t, if you’ve followed his journey correctly all this while. In 2020, Curry managed to interview the 44th U.S. President, after the release of his memoir, A Promised Land. And the very same year, he was publically endorsing President Joe Biden for his electoral campaign, during the Democratic National Convention. And then, once again, it was Curry who was seen urging voters to call on their senators to pass the Freedom to Vote Act.

All of this, while he and his wife, Ayesha Curry have their own philanthropic ventures and charities, including Eat.Learn.Pray, aims at helping children in Oakland, California to gain access to nutritious meals, quality reading material, and many opportunities. They are also a spokes-family for the No Kid Hungry initiative. So, in a way, he has always had the desire to “create meaningful change” beyond politics.

He inspires the lives of many, children, adults, budding NBA players, and many others. Throughout his career, he has made it a point to dive deeper into the betterment of the community by utilizing the platform he has. He wants to give back and speak on various issues that he feels are important, without hesitating. And while even if he doesn’t really run for the Presidential elections in the future, he could very well take the Local Government route!


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Read More: Stephen Curry Proudly Flaunts 2nd Book That Resonates With ex-President Obama’s Efforts For Hearing-Impaired Children