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“Being the Number One Pick”- Alex Rodriguez Compares the Start of His MLB Career
With NBA Legends LeBron James and Kobe Bryant Speaking in a podcast, Alex Rodriguez recently drew a parallel between his MLB career with NBA legends LeBron James and Kobe Bryant. Late MLB Legend Gaylord Perry Once Embraced His ‘Spitter’ Reputation in a Cheeky
TV Commercial Late MLB legend and Hall of Famer Gaylord Perry once embraced his nickname through a commercial film with a hilarious take on his reputation. MLB Legend Gaylord Perry, Who Once Held an Enviable Pitching Record Passes Away
Aged 84 MLB legend and Hall of Fame inductee Gaylord Perry, who once achieved a rare milestone, has recently passed away at the age of 84, leaving behind glorious memories. Donald Trump Once Dubbed Alex Rodriguez a $30 Million “Liability” Despite His
Incredible Form for the New York Yankees Donald Trump had once ripped into Alex Rodriguez, terming him a $30 million liability for the New York Yankees, despite his magnificence. Alex Rodriguez Once Set the Popular Kardashian Family as the Standard That the
MLB Should Aspire to Reach Alex Rodriguez once touted the Kardashians as the perfect role models for MLB in order to increase its appeal around the globe. ‘The Captain’ Director Gives Free Agent Aaron Judge’s Future a Tough Choice
Between Derek Jeter and Robinson Cano A filmmaker has recently presented a tough choice for Aaron Judge through his statement on the Derek Jeter - Robinson Cano comparison. Alex Rodriguez Gets Cozy With New Flame Jaclyn Cordeiro While Watching His NBA
Team Eke Out a Crucial Victory Alex Rodriguez recently soaked in the glory of his NBA team's thrilling victory in the company of his new girlfriend Jaclyn Cordeiro. “Not Going to Want to Miss This”- MLB Megastar Alex Rodriguez Intensifies the
Build-Up to a Prized MMA Fight Legendary baseball icon Alex Rodriguez has recently taken to his Twitter for promoting a highly anticipated upcoming MMA match-up. “Never Sounded Better”- Alex Rodriguez Once Consoled an Emotional Jennifer Lopez
on Brink of an Outburst Back when Alex Rodriguez comforted his ex-fiancee, Jennifer Lopez, with a compliment, while she was having a difficult time controlling her emotions. Alex ‘A-Rod’ Rodriguez Once Displayed Insane Fitness Alongside 12-Time Olympic
Medalist, Proving Age Is Just a Number Alex Rodriguez once displayed his never-ending fitness drive amid workout sessions alongside a 12-time Olympic champion swimmer.