Years After Losing Both His Legs in an Explosion, 43-Year-Old Army Veteran Stuns
the World by Climbing Mount Everest Hari Buddha Magar became the first double amputee above the knee to climb Mount Everest in the world breaking his previous records. 42-Year-Old Irish Mountaineer Tragically Loses Life Shortly After Completing
Trifecta Adventure Race in Austrian Alps Read to know a mountaineer's tragic journey in the Austrian Alps, leaving a legacy of passion and courage in pursuit. People Continue to Defy the Laws of Nature by Hiking Near an Active Volcano in
Costa Rica Explore the perilous trend of illegal hiking to active volcanoes that have raised concerns in Costa Rica. The land of breathtaking beauty is prohibiting these dangerous adventures Poughkeepsie’s Alexis Holzmann Completes 2,200-Mile Appalachian Trail Trek in
Six Months Alexis Holzmann completed a six-month Trek through the Appalachian Trail. She walked 2,200 miles and overcame nature's challenges. 30-Year-Old Hiker From Saratoga Springs Gets Rescued From Sleeping Beauty
Mountain After Suffering From Heat Exhaustion Hiking takes a dangerous turn, as a hiker fights for survival on Sleeping Beauty Mountain in the face of exhaustion and dehydration. Japanese Alpinists Embark on Bold Quest to Conquer the Unclimbed as They Set
Sights on Himalayan Summits Yasuhiro Hanatani leads an audacious mission to conquer uncharted Himalayan peaks, a triumph over trepidation. VIDEO: Two Grizzly Bears Followed 13 Hikers Down a Trail for 20 Minutes, Giving
Them “A Pretty Intense” Experience Two Grizzly Bears followed a group of Hikers for 20 minutes before walking off the trail. Local Guide helped the group stay calm and composed Having Already Raised $150,000, Fargo Man Completes 100-Mile Hike to Support
Nature Preservation Fargo man Sam Soholt takes up a challenge to hike 100 miles to help raise money for Wetland Conservation. Also wants people to join him. Princess of Wales, Kate Middleton, Leaves the World Astonished with Her Brown
Hiking Boots Kate’s iconic fashion choices exude the perfect balance between convenience and elegance. Discover her stylish look during her visit to the Hereford Forest School Councilwoman to Hike Over Three Mountains to Provide Aid for the Food Bank Councilwoman's hiking journey to act a beacon of hope for many, as she hikes to raise funds for the Airdrie Food Bank. Dog From England Set to Make History as the First Wheelchair-Using Canine to
Climb Mount Snowdon Abandoned wheelchair canine, Hope, defies odds to climb Mount Snowdon, turning adversity into an inspiring journey of resilience and love. 34-Year-Old Soldier Falls to His Death While Hiking in Alaska Tragic news came from the Elmendorf Richardson Joint Base as a 34-year-old soldier plunged to death while hiking near Rainbow Peak, Alaska.