“Ugly, Fat, Useless”- Female World Chess Champion Reveals How She Blocked Out
Harsh Comments to Focus on Career The former women's world chess champion Susan Polgar recalls the struggles she went through as a chess Grand Master. Magnus Carlsen Headlines Charity Chess Tournament to Raise Money for Ukrainian
Children and Families The second leg of the Meltwater Champions Chess Tour has been renamed as the Charity Cup. It will be a fundraiser tournament in collaboration with UNICEF. “He is Very Unpredictable”- Russian Grandmaster on Being Bested by Magnus
Carlsen at Fantasy Soccer Game The 19-year-old Russian Grand Master, Andrey Esipenko, talks about World No. 1, Magnus Carlsen, and his approach with the Fantasy Premier League. Queens of Chess Defeat Kings to Win the Best Streamer Award 2021 If not world number one Magnus Carlsen or the Grand Master Hikaru Nakamura who won the best chess streamer award? “Time To..Try My Luck in the Lottery”- Chess Grand Master Reacts After Making an
Unbelievable Comeback in an Almost Lost Match The Hungarian Grand Master Richard Rapport managed a draw from a completely lost position in the semi-finals of the FIDE Grand Prix. “It’s a Surprise”- Magnus Carlsen Reacts on Rival Hikaru Nakamura’s Incredible
Comeback in Classical Chess From Online Streaming The world chess champion, Magnus Carlsen, believes that taking a break from classical chess has benefited the American Grand Master, Hikaru Nakamura. “If You Loose, I Get a Tesla”: Elon Musk Openly Challenged by Chess World Over a
Shocking Tweet Against the Sport The richest man on the planet Elon Musk talked about chess being a "simple game" as players and fans on Twitter, react to his statement. Is Controlling the Center of the Board a Priority for Chess Players? Garry
Kasparov Silences Modern Trend The former world chess champion Garry Kasparov reveals what should be the top priority in the game of chess. Let's have a look at it! European Chess Union Takes Massive Measure Against Russian Chess Federation
Amidst Ukraine Crisis After FIDE banned Russian Grand Masters from international events, now the ECU takes a firm decision. Here's all you need to know! “It Is Unbearably Painful”-32 Russian Chess Grand Masters Stand Up for Ukrainian
Competitors Amidst Ongoing Conflict Though suspended by the International Chess Federation FIDE, the Russian chess Grand Masters are calling for world peace. Russian Chess Team Forced Out of Their Dominant Platform Due to the Ongoing
Global Crisis FIDE banned Russia and Belarus from international chess amidst the ongoing crisis in Europe. Read more about the ban here. “Don’t Expect Something Special Every Time.” Magnus Carlsen Opens Up on Shocking
Defeat to Indian Grandmaster R. Praggnanandhaa The world chess champion Magnus Carlsen praises young Indian Grand Master R Praggnanandhaa and believes he is on the right track.