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In the world of boxing, it’s controversy that often stings the most. When Floyd Mayweather is involved, the heat doubles. A recent Facebook post stirs this pot, breathing life into a debate dormant since the Atlanta Olympics in ’96. The Mayweather Fanboys page touched a raw nerve, reigniting a discussion about Mayweather’s last known defeat.

A defeat with as much neon as Las Vegas, Mayweather’s home. It’s not the loss itself that’s unsettling, but its backdrop. For some, it’s a minor blemish on an otherwise unmarred record. For others, it’s a reminder of a contentious past, threatening the pristine legacy of the unbeaten champion.


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The fight that never faded: Floyd Mayweather and the 1996 Olympic bout

Mayweather’s last known defeat dates back to the 1996 Atlanta Olympics. He was competing for the Featherweight gold medal. After a series of convincing wins, Mayweather found himself on the wrong side of a disputed decision against Bulgarian boxer, Serafim Todorov. It was a shocking outcome, with many spectators and boxing pundits questioning the result.

As the Facebook post reopens this controversial chapter, fans pour in their reactions. Damion Jackson passionately comments, “And he was robbed then. TBE”. Echoing his sentiment, Carly Ivan Garcia chips in with a heartfelt, “And he was cheated, should have won.

Alberto Banda offers a unique perspective, transitioning from the outcry, stating, “That’s when he learned how to run after that.” This implies Mayweather’s tactics evolved post-defeat, shifting to a more defensive stance.

Further disputing the outcome, Dmar Dondada declares, “And he didn’t even lose the fight 🤦‍♂️.” His denial, laden with frustration, reveals the unresolved feelings surrounding the 1996 bout.


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Also, Mike Lowry wades in, bringing up Mayweather’s rivalry with Manny Pacquiao. He asserts, “What a legend, it’s usually fans of somebody who’s beaten him that criticise him. Haters, especially Pacquiao fans.” The stirring comment provides a new dimension, intertwining Mayweather’s legacy with an ongoing fan rivalry.

In the final analysis, the divergent reactions to Mayweather’s 1996 Olympic defeat reveal the intensity and fervor with which his fans regard his career. These ardent followers continue to question the verdict of that bout, clinging to the belief that Mayweather’s professional record remains unblemished. This controversy only underscores Mayweather’s influence in boxing, highlighting his ability to spark fervent debate years after stepping out of the ring.

Also Read: “Who Did This Sh*t?”: Furious Fans Debate ‘GOAT’ Picks Across Sports, Question Floyd Mayweather’s Status in Boxing


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Now, as we continue to dissect Mayweather’s illustrious career, one question arises: How will the sport of boxing remember Floyd ‘Money’ Mayweather? Will it be for the controversy that marked his early years, or for his unbeaten professional record? We invite you, to share your thoughts on the enduring legacy of this boxing legend. Will you be stepping into the ring of this debate?

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