Indian wrestler Bajrang Punia kicked off India’s medal count at the 2018 Asian Games with a gold medal. The Indian registered an 11-8 victory over Japan’s Takatani Daichi in the men’s free-stye 65kg final. Unfortunately, a ‘rusty’ Sushil lost his last chance to add an Asiad gold to his collection of medals after losing his qualification […]
TOKYO (Reuters) – Undeterred by Tokyo’s chaotic preparations to stage the 2020 Olympic Games, Japan’s Aichi Prefecture will bid to stage the 2026 Asian Games, the region’s governor said on Monday. Aichi will submit an application to the Japanese Olympic Committee to host the event, Kyodo News reported Hideaki Omura as saying on Monday. “As […]
India’s women’s team won bronze in badminton at the Asian Games. This though, was a small consolation for the overall disappointing show by the shuttlers.