
Season 2 of Call of Duty Warzone primarily revolved around the Zombies outbreak in Verdansk. The percentage of this outbreak had been steadily increasing in the past few weeks and has finally reached 100%.

Naturally, players around the world are now curious about the upcoming events in Call of Duty Warzone. A nuke event will most probably destroy Verdansk and a new Battle Royale map will arrive, eventually. Season 3 is right around the corner, and introducing such changes will be the ideal way for Infinity Ward and Raven Software to continue the momentum gained from the massive success of Season 2.


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Three POIs are now emitting radiations in Call of Duty Warzone

A ship named Vodyanoy hit the shores near Prison, and apparently, started the Zombies outbreak. Soon after, the Prison and Shipwreck POIs in Verdansk started emitting nuclear radiations. Interestingly, players can return as Zombies if they die from the radiation in these areas.

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The latest POI to make this list is Hospital. From the looks of it, it was the third location where the Zombies arrived and spread themselves invariably. It is safe to assume that a majority portion of Verdansk will start emitting nuclear radiations soon.

Prominent YouTuber Inkslasher talked about the ongoing Zombies outbreak in Warzone in a recent video.

Zombies outbreak and Yellow Access cards in Verdansk explained

A recent Call of Duty blog has finally unveiled the mystery behind the Zombies outbreak in Warzone. Vodyanoy left Rebirth Island in the 1980s and contained a chemical of synthetic nature. The goal of the ship’s crew was to eradicate this chemical from the world they but ended up getting affected by it.

The members of Vodyanoy were the actual owners of the Yellow Access Cards. They can open certain restricted areas around Verdansk which contain the desired items to stop the Zombies outbreak.

The blog post also advises the players to not enter the containment zones, as visiting them without protective gear can prove to be fatal.

It is evident that the Zombies have been releasing nuclear radiations in Prison, Shipwreck, and Hospital. The existing operators in Verdansk will now have to work together to avoid the development of even worse conditions.


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From the looks of it, the most viable way to stop the Zombies is by destroying Verdansk through missiles. As per rumors, this will transform the map to the way it looked in the 1980s. Moreover, the 1980s version of Verdansk might become the new Battle Royale map in Call of Duty Warzone, which will contain a lesser amount of buildings, and more grassland.

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