Call of Duty Black Ops Cold War and Warzone changed a ton of stuff in Season 2. While most of the fresh changes got a mention in the official patch notes, others remained unaddressed. Usually, players know all the changes to loot in Warzone. However, anybody who has played Warzone in the new season might have come across some unfamiliar names.
Interestingly, there are three new weapons in Verdansk that many were unaware of. These three new weapons are not from Black Ops Cold War but from Modern Warfare. Nonetheless, it is unknown if Raven Software and Treyarch intentionally left the names out of the patch notes.
The three new weapons are Serac CX-9 SMG, RAAL MG and the Sykov pistol. All of them are available in the ground loot but are not very popular. So good luck laying your hands on one. Further to that, they are exclusive to Warzone’s ground loot and players cannot get them via loadouts.
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Read More– Call of Duty Warzone Season 2: Top 5 Gunsmith Loadouts
Will the three new weapons take over the Call of Duty Warzone meta?
Players might not have cared about random new weapons if they were no good. The Serac CX-9 SMG has however proved to be a strong contender for the meta. Currently, the Mac-10 is the popular choice for an SMG, and with good reason.
The CX-9 however beats the Mac-10 at close quarters very conveniently. It has an extremely fast fire rate and a recoil that most players will find easy to control.
I too found a CX-9 in Warzone and it shreds. (Small Montage)
byu/TheFuckinStrelok inCODWarzone
In Warzone, the CX-9 blueprint comes attached with five attachments. The same goes for the RAAL MG, and players really need to dig deep in Verdansk to find these weapons.
The RAAL MG is not the most broken LMG, like the Bruen, but still holds the capacity to unbend the meta. It comes with a unique scope that shows the player the distance of the enemy. It might help in judging the shot and practice trigger discipline. The weapon is superb in medium to long ranges and will definitely become a popular choice once officially released.
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The Sykov pistol is the rarest amongst the three new weapons. However, it looks like the Diamatti finally has some competition in the handgun section. Using any of these weapons does not earn you EXP, meaning they are not officially out in the game yet. We expect that there might be a new Modern Warfare season where these weapons will get a glamorous release.
Until then, good luck finding these secret MW weapons in Verdansk. Watch the gameplay video below of the CX-9 and RAAL MG.
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