
The rise of the Battle Royale genre has brought one particular feature to the forefront- Skill Based Matchmaking. If you’ve dabbled in this genre, chances are you’ve heard of it. It is only the most passionately debated topic in gaming right now. Club SBMM with one of the most popular games today, Call of Duty Warzone, and you know emphatic opinions are going to fly. However, not all is crystal clear when it comes to Warzone.

For starters, Call of Duty Warzone’s developer, Infinity Ward, has yet to officially confirm whether SBMM exists in the game. But it has become increasingly obvious over time that it does exist.


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Call of Duty Warzone SBMM conundrum

On paper, SBMM sounds like the most logical feature in any online game.

Isn’t it only fair that players are clubbed together in a match based on their level of skill?

Beginners or low-skilled players will match-up against one another, enabling them to get some much-needed experience and learn game-mechanics and tactics. On the flip side, skilled players can hone their skills further by battling other skilled players. It looks like the perfect system that would keep everyone happy, right? Sadly, the reality is far from it.

While SBMM works out well for the low-tier gamers, elite, or even above average players, are not particularly happy with it. This is especially true for the casual mode in the game.

Take a look at Jack “CouRageJD” Dunlop’s tweet, venting his frustration on SBMM in Call of Duty Warzone.

Here is Nadeshot calling for the removal of SBMM just days after the game launched.

Is Ranked Mode the solution?

So why are elite gamers like CouRage and Nadehsot resentful of SBMM?

First, it has to do with their content creation. The absence of SBMM makes it much easier for them to make entertaining content for their followers.

Additionally, SBMM in unranked matches takes away from the fun element of the game. If you’re matched up with similarly skilled players, you’re naturally going to have to grind and work for a good result.

You can understand this standpoint; playing against players from a mix of different skill levels surely makes for a more fun experience. But what about the other side of the coin?

What about the strugglers who just want to have fun too? When low-tier players are matched with elites like Courage, they aren’t going to last too long in the match, are they?


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You could also argue going up against better players will help noobs get better, sooner.

The debate is only going to rage on with people championing both sides of the argument.


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The most logical path seems to introduce a separate ranked mode where everyone will match up based on their ranking (RBMM) while removing SBMM from the casual mode.

What about you? Do you agree SBMM is ruining Battle Royales or is it time to accept it is here to stay?