
An overhand right and he had sent the teeth-guard flying out of his opponent’s bite like a frisbee fleeing the air. Height and weight greatly mattered in a fight. However, for an awoke and calm state of mind, there were no barriers that one could not invade. Certainly, if only physical fitness and impressive genetics won fights, there would have never been the likes of these fighters going viral today.


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The overhand punch works with opponents who are taller because they are more likely to lower their heads. Understanding of reach will assist in placing that one accurate shot while still protecting oneself.

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The fighter in the discussion did just that and sealed the night. He was cautious while coming in close distance and was spontaneous in using his speed. The clip has received praise from all around the world and fans are still going at it. Here are some reactions for you to read.

David vs. Goliath

Little is known about the two fighters in the clip. However, their encounter is spreading like a viral fever on the net. Just when the referee brought the two into the center of the ring, the short fighter threw a right hand from his cannon.

TRiLL commented by saying, “Height don’t mean shi*t”. Well, as expressed in the beginning, height does matter in a fight. But our winner in the clip, well used his reach and overcame the height disparity.

In a hilarious comment, Mark wrote, “Little dude sent the bigger dude off to see his ancient ancestors”. Indeed, the punch showcased one tremendous hit. Not sure about the ancestors, but it did send the opponent out of his sense.

Charlie, referring to the mouth guard that was sent flying, wrote, “Found this mouth guard outside my house in the UK, any correlation?”

KAPO THE DEST shared a personal memory of his own, “I sparred someone like this in Muay Thai and the small guy was jumping and throwing hooks to my head. Like [Mike] Tyson Style.”


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Another fan criticized the taller opponent, and said, “What first day in the gym kinda punch was the tall boxer trying to throw tho???”


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What is your reaction to the clip? Let us know in the comments.