
Unsavory news seems to have emerged from the British Isles. Incidentally, it is regarding a boxer from Mexico. Named Moisés Calleros, the flyweight boxer unfortunately passed away at age 34 in March of this year. But it seems the UK’s anti-drug testing body, the United Kingdom Anti-Doping (UKAD), wasn’t aware of his demise. They had issued a four-year ban on the Monclova, Coahuila-born boxer.

Subsequent reports reveal that the United Kingdom’s premier anti-doping authority, upon realizing their faux pas, deleted and apologized. But the damage, as it appears, was already done. Fans took their mistake seriously and lambasted the UKAD for the shameful act.

Why, a posthumous punishment?


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Michael Benson‘s tweet read, “Statement from UKAD after they today announced a four-year drugs ban for Moises Calleros as they were unaware he died in March…” It’s not clear as to the precise reason behind Moises Calleros’ death. But a Spanish-language portal, ‘mexico.as.com’, has an update that the 34-year-old boxer might have passed away from a purported heart attack.

Last April at London’s O2 Arena, Moises Calleros fought the British boxer Galaly Yafai. He lost the match with a fourth-round technical knockout. However, controversy soon erupted. The Mexican boxer returned positive drug test results for cocaine during the post-fight tests. As a result, the UKAD decided to hand over a four-year ban on the boxer.

The anti-oping agency’s statement read, “Anti-Doping Rule Violation! Mexican Professional Boxer Moises Calleros has been banned for four years, following Anti-Doping Rule Violations (ADRVs) for the presence and Use of Prohibited substance, cocaine and its metabolite.” However, it soon became apparent to them that the boxer was no longer alive, and they issued a subsequent statement. Their update on their portal now ends: “Unfortunately, UKAD had no information regarding Mr. Calleros’ sad passing at the time of publication and has now removed all details of this case from its channels.

Boxing world demands answers

However, the move seems to have failed to appease a large number of fans. Incensed, quite a few vented their anger through comments. Let’s check out what some of them had to say about the whole affair.

Bewildered by UKAD action, this user refused to accept the clarification from UKAD as an earnest apology.

Likewise, this user, too, sounded very angry. According to them, the agency and everyone associated should be regretful for what they have done. The Mexican boxer was no more after all.

The next follower, like many, found it all together a very degrading move from UKAD.

Then the next user questioned and seemed curious to know whether the anti-doping body was in interaction with responsible people so that they were aware of the information beforehand. They too don’t seem too pleased with the kind of process the UKAD and the British boxing board currently follow. In their eyes, the New York State Athletic Commission (NYSAC) seems to be much more diligent.

It wasn’t that UKAD was totally devoid of any support. This follower remarked that it’s easy for anyone to jump to quick conclusions in such cases. Otherwise, they asked, how is it possible for UKAD to receive such information unless the promoter, the boxer’s manager, or his family members don’t notify them of his passing away? Amidst an ongoing investigation, it would have been quite challenging to learn about Moises Calleros’ sad demise, they surmised.


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It might just be one of those aberrations when an organization oversteps into an error. Given the circumstances, fans’ grievances should be understandable. Maybe the anti-doping agency should come with a more explicit statement that features their regret in clear terms, assuring measures that such instances shall not be repeated in the future.


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Moises Calleros commenced his boxing career way back in 2008. The flyweight had thus participated in 49 fights, out of which he won 37 and lost 17, with one in balance declared a non-contest. 20 of the wins came through knockouts. In 2015, he won the NABF minimumweight title. However, his subsequent attempt at winning a world title came to naught. After the Yafai fight in April, he went on a break and returned in December with a KO win over Gerardo Verde. According to ‘as.com’, Moises Calleros was preparing for a comeback fight.

What do you make of the reported lapse from UKAD?