Sylvester Stallone, the legendary actor, famous for playing Rocky Balboa, just posted a touching photo of his family on Valentine’s Day. The post included two pics – one from the past and one from the present – showing how his family has grown and changed over the years. The images show a beautiful family that has captured the hearts of Stallone’s followers, who sent cute messages on this special day.
The first image shows a younger Stallone posing with his wife and three young daughters, all smiling and radiating happiness. The second photo features the older Stallone with his wife and now-grown daughters, as well as two dogs on a leash and one cuddled up in his wife’s arms. The post garnered a lot of attention from fans, who couldn’t help but express their love for the Stallone family. Stallone has a loyal fan base, who previously heavily criticized the new creed movie for not having him in it.
Fans shower Sylvester Stallone with love
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Fans were quick to comment on the post, with many expressing their love and admiration for the family.
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One fan wrote, “Yo Sly, I hope you enjoy every minute of today with your beautiful family!” while another said, “What a beautiful group of people! Happy Valentines day …can’t wait until your reality show.”
Read More- Real Reason Sylvester Stallone Criticized ‘Rocky’ & ‘Creed’ Producers
Others expressed their support for Stallone and his family’s future endeavors. One fan commented, “Happy Valentine’s Day and especially KEEP PUNCHING” and another wrote, “Your love is magic. Beautiful Family.”
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One fan even wrote about his admiration for Sylvester Stallone, “Hi How are you oh Teacher oh Leader oh my friend Rambo Sylvester Stallone Happy Valentine’s Day for you and your family😍🥰❤❤❤❤❤❤❣❣❣❣❣❣”
Some fans even had some lighthearted questions, with one asking, “Where is the cat?” and another simply wishing the family happiness, “Yo Sly, wishing you and your beautiful family all the happiness in the world! – Much love.”
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The Stallone family’s Valentine’s Day post reminded fans of the actor’s softer side and showcased his love for his family. The post not only warmed the hearts of many but also highlighted the importance of family and love. It’s clear that Stallone’s fans will continue to support and admire him and his beautiful family for years to come.