
So the Ryan GarciaDevin Haney story, it seems, has every chance of being made into a soap opera. First, two young boxers fought. Then things turned upside down. The winner tested positive for PEDs. The injured side threatens further legal action. So far, the saga seemed manageable as long as it involved only the young fighters. But now, it seems that the elders don’t want to miss out on the increasing popularity. Even if it’s just a cameo, they seem eager to have their opinions heard. It seems Oscar De La Hoya‘s diatribe against Devin Haney hasn’t gone over well with Bill Haney. The ever-dutiful father took up the cudgels to defend his son’s honor. He reminded ‘The Golden Boy’ of a few stark points that he might have forgotten. Haney Sr. even went back to the era when Canelo Alvarez starred in the Golden Boy fights.

Following his drug test failure, the New York State Athletic Commission imposed a one-year ban on Ryan Garcia. The disciplinary action includes financial penalties as well. However, Team Devin Haney and many others feel that this punishment isn’t enough. Meanwhile, Team Garcia argues that several past such cases received minimal punishments. Sometimes, even let off scot-free! So why does everyone want to make a scapegoat out of ‘KingRy’?

Bill Haney: ‘The Golden Boy’s tryin to ‘Fool Ya’


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So to Bill Haney, it’s not Oscar De La Hoya, but Oscar De La ‘Fool Ya’. He said, “Oscar De La ‘Fool Ya’, the glorified middleman that’s running around like he’s a big Willie with the network DAZN’s money, well, Oscar, you didn’t get mad until your fighter Ryan Garcia got caught cheating.

But there’s a bigger problem. Haney Sr. objected to the way the Olympic gold medalist has been fabricating information about the business side of his son’s fights. He reminded ‘The Golden Boy’ that he hasn’t drawn any ‘not to be forgotten’ kind of crowd since the days Canelo Alvarez used to fight under his label.

And to what end, Bill Haney asked? It eventually boiled down to the undisputed super middleweight champion accusing De La Hoya of stealing boxers’ money! The number of people who came to see Devin Haney over the years stands at more than a hundred thousand. That’s more than any of the fighters the Golden Boy promotions could boast of mustering, Haney Sr. said.

So, Mr. Oscar De La ‘Fool Ya’’ I want to know, are you stealing or are you jealous that Devin ‘The Dream’ Haney is the youngest undisputed champion in the four-belt era?” asked Bill Haney. He reminded the former world champion that his son’s accomplishment came in the era when De La Hoya was still around and active as a boxer. Bill Haney admitted that his son’s fights might not have been blockbuster ones.

USA Today via Reuters

But, “I know it’s one thing that I wish hurry up and sell out, and that’s fishnets so you can keep your a** out of,” he lodged his parting shot. Nevertheless, it takes two to tango, right? So let’s hear what De La Hoya said about Devin Haney.

You’ve been in the realm of ‘The Dream(s)’, bro

While he doesn’t approve of anyone taking performance-enhancing drugs, Oscar De La Hoya didn’t hide the reservations he had about the visible inconsistency when punishments are meted out in such cases. He cited how Canelo Alvarez received a 6-month suspension ahead of the much anticipated rematch with ‘Triple G’. Then he also cited Shane Mosley‘s example. So he seemingly wondered on what basis Ryan Garcia received a year-long ban and millions of dollars in fines as punishment.

Then he went after Devin Haney. He lambasted the former undisputed lightweight champion for the way he celebrated when the Ryan Garcia fight received a ‘no-contest’ decision. “Nobody’s going to forget about that beating you took oh and let’s not forget you’re accusing me of not paying you, bro. You just do not sell; that’s the bottom line,” said Oscar De La Hoya.


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He stated that anyone could audit his company at any time. ‘The Golden Boy’ confirmed that all his fighters received their money on time. He seemingly had suspicion when the dream got his ideas from Canelo Alvarez’s recent outbursts against him.


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So the back-and-forth has crossed the fence into the elders’ backyard. Fans would now be eagerly watching out for what Oscar De La Hoya says in response.

What’s your take on Bill Haney’s statements? Do you agree with him?