
It won’t come as a surprise to most at this point that the sport of bodybuilding involves the use of drugs and steroids. These performance-enhancing drugs and anabolics help gain muscle, lose fat, or get rid of extra water present in the body. However, every compound used has its own set of limitations and side effects as well. And one of the most common effects that athletes and lifters experience is referred to as ‘Roid Rage.’ 

Users of anabolics and drugs often talk about their experiences of sudden episodes of anger and rage while being on gear. On the contrary, bodybuilding veteran Lee Priest gave his two cents on the misconceptions surrounding the topic of ‘Roid Rage’ on ‘IFBB AMA’s YouTube channel.

Lee Priest opens up on the reality of ‘Roid Rage’


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Lee Priest explained during the video that the concept of ‘Roid Rage’ is a lie fed to us by the fitness industry. He continued by pointing out that the current generation is heavily relying on drugs simply because “they don’t have it up here [the mind] or the heart.” He explained further that people earlier had limited or no access to these compounds. Priest also drew comparisons between an enhanced athlete and a drunk person. 

He mentioned that it is up to the person how he reacts after being intoxicated. Whether the person shows signs of anger or not, totally depends on the individual’s behavior and nature. In the same manner, Priest suggested that it depends on the person using the drugs as to how he will react after taking them.”If you’re having roid rage, it’s because you’re a fu**ing a**hole. It’s like there are people that drink; they drink, they become violent drunks. Some people drink, and they become happy drunks. Steroids don’t give you roid rage. That’s you. You want to blame it on the steroids,” said Lee Priest.

Read More: “I Just Don’t See It’s Fair”: The Day Legend Lee Priest Went Against Mr. Olympia Prizing Criteria to Support Fellow Bodybuilders

Lee Priest is not the only one who has talked about the lies surrounding steroid usage. 4X Mr. Olympia Jay Cutler also previously mentioned how cinema often depicts anabolics as something completely different from reality.

Cutler talks about the false portrayal of steroids


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Recently, Nik Richie invited Jay Cutler to an episode of the FACTZ podcast. Amidst many other topics, the duo discussed in detail the consequences of starting a steroid cycle. Cutler explained that PEDs are not some magic potion that instantly transforms an individual.

Speaking about the false depiction in movies, Cutler says, “With the films and everything, they portray like a guy takes a shot at testosterone and he gets aggressive…like that’s the misconception like I can tell you that.” Richie continued, “It never made you crazy?” Cutler replied with his own experience, “It never made me crazy.”


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Watch This Story: From Arnold Schwarzenegger to Chris Bumstead – Here Are the Top 5 Most Aesthetic Bodybuilders to Ever Compete in Mr. Olympia

What are your views on Lee Priest’s take on ‘Roid Rage’? Let us know in the comments.