
Even at the age of 54, The Titan is regarded as one of the best bodybuilders with an absolutely aesthetic physique. The fitness icon stands as a testament to the possibilities of age-defying strength and conditioning with unconventional and extraordinary levels of fitness and well-being.

Having been featured on over 400 magazine covers and acquiring the Fitness Model of the year over 7 times, the American Bodybuilder and personal trainer is a force that people often go to with their fitness problems. Being a public figure, Mike O’Hearn takes them up and addresses them in his Q&A videos.

Mike O’Hearn addressing joint pains


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In the most recent Q&A video on his official YouTube Channel, O’Hearn came across a question that is quite ironic in his own physical stature. However, being the fitness icon, he had an answer to that as well. In the video, a question directed to the Titan came across as, “My joints and tendons are hurting very bad after 15 years of bodybuilding.”

To this, Mike O’Hearn replies,” I’m assuming it’s not. Your joints don’t hurt from bodybuilding, your joints hurt because you’ve aged over the last 15 years. Maybe you started training when you were 20 or 35 or 45 in that range, so time is getting you there.” He emphasizes the fact that when people reach a certain age, it is imperative that they will have body pains.

Read More: “Should Be Done After Strength Gains”: With 30 Years of Experience, Bodybuilding Icon Mike O’Hearn Reveals the Ideal Time to “Dry Out”

He adds, “Just so you guys all understand a lot of people get to a part or an age where their body starts to break down.” This is what results in pain in the joints or sometimes even the back. He adds that even pro bodybuilders have such pain. He addresses another follower with a somewhat similar concern.

Mike O’Hearn’s suggestion for back pain


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Mike O’Hearn is further asked another somewhat similar question, “Whenever I do any exercise that targets my legs or my back, I have this terrible pain in my lower back and I was wondering if you have had any experiences with lower back pain and what you did for it.” He says he has seen other people around him with such problems. Mike O’Hearn started going to the gym when he was 11 12 years old and he started talking to people through workouts when he was 13 14.

He further adds that he has seen people who are 40 years old come to the gym to strengthen their backs. He addresses this concern and says that when there is a prolonged back problem, the back pain goes to the legs and there are some serious issues there that cause it. He recommends the person get an X-ray or scan to see what truly is the problem with his vertebrae so that he can ensure that there is no impingement of nerves. It is always better to consult the doctor rather than look for tips online. 


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What are your thoughts on the age-defying physique of Mike O’Hearn? What do you think about his tips for his followers? Let us know in the comments section below! 

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