
WWE icon-turned-Hollywood action superstar?Dwayne Johnson?is famous for his massive physique. Despite being 53, The Rock maintains exceptional muscularity, conditioning, and strength. However, despite improving his physique over the years, the?bodybuilding?enthusiast’s physique lacks visible abs. Hence, the former professional wrestler’s abs, or lack thereof, have become a topic of discussion among fitness fans. In fact,?“What’s wrong with The Rock’s abs?”?is among the most popular searches related to Johnson.

A recent YouTube video tried to answer this question. The 53-year-old’s “weird abs” were the subject of the video, which the YouTube channel Fast Count uploaded. However, many fans in the comments section relied on their theory. They cited an interview where Joshnon explained why his abs look different.

Dwayne Johnson explained the accident that altered his physique


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The YouTube short revealed that the Rock acknowledged that his abs looked different in an interview. The video then theorized?”that The Rock has no abs” because of genetics. Fast Count explained that since his father didn’t have a visible six-pack, the 53-year-old also inherited the feature of his father’s physique. Hence, the lack of a visible six or eight-pack.

However, in the interview cited in the video, Dwayne Johnson gave a different reason for his unusual midsection.?In the 2021 interview with WIRED, the former wrestler explained he tore his abductors and quad muscles while wrestling.?“As a chain reaction,”?he also tore his abdominal wall.?“I had to do a triple hernia emergency surgery?so, they?re not, like, perfect abs,”?explained the Hollywood action star. Fans didn’t fail to mention this in the comments section, with some added details.


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The fitness community highlighted what The Rock had explained

One fan remembered hearing about the accident the Rock mentioned during the interview.?“I have read somewhere that he tore his abs in WWE,”?wrote the fan. Others filled in the details.?“I could’ve sworn it was because he tore his abdominal wall in a match with John Cena,”?wrote one fan.?“He tore his abs, and they were reinserted much closer to his pelvic bone,”?wrote another fan.

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One fan mentioned how the surgery altered the shape of his abs.?“It was explained in the interview he had a serious ab tear, this f**ked the shape of the muscle,”?commented the fitness enthusiast. While genetics played a role in how his abs looked, the surgery altered them forever. Such injuries are also not uncommon in the WWE. Recently, Hulk Hogan showed how his biceps looked altered after he ripped them during a match with Andre The Giant.

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