
Arnold Schwarzenegger‘s workout routine, known as the Arnold Split, is a six-day program aimed at building muscle mass and sculpting the physique. It’s intense and best suited for experienced lifters. Let’s dive into its breakdown, advantages, and drawbacks, and see if it’s right for you.

The Arnold split involves training different muscle groups on different days, hitting each group twice a week. The routine typically focuses on the chest and back, shoulders and arms, and legs. Each workout includes high volume, with multiple sets ranging from 6-25 reps. But before we delve into the routine Schwarzenegger followed to win Mr. Olympia, here are a few pros and cons of the Arnold Split.

The benefits and the drawbacks of Arnold Schwarzenegger’s Arnold Split


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Firstly, the Arnold Split offers reduced fatigue by strategically alternating between antagonistic muscle groups in each session, such as the chest and back. This approach allows for intense training without excessively fatiguing any single muscle group, maximizing efficiency and minimizing workout fatigue. Secondly, ample recovery time is provided despite the rigorous six-day schedule. This rest period between sessions is crucial for muscle repair and growth, ensuring optimal performance and progress over time. By allowing muscles to recuperate adequately, the Arnold Split facilitates long-term gains in strength and muscle mass.

Additionally, the routine promotes balanced development by systematically targeting all major muscle groups. By evenly distributing the workload across various muscle groups, it fosters a well-rounded physique and reduces the risk of muscular imbalances or injuries. This emphasis on proportional muscle growth and symmetry enhances overall aesthetics and functional fitness. However, there are notable drawbacks to consider.

Firstly, each session of the Arnold Split can extend up to two hours, demanding a significant time commitment from individuals. This prolonged duration may pose challenges for those with busy schedules or limited time availability, potentially hindering adherence to the program. Furthermore, the structured nature of the Arnold Split leaves minimal room for flexibility in training schedules or accommodating alternative workout modalities.

This lack of flexibility may restrict individuals from pursuing other fitness activities or training goals beyond bodybuilding, limiting overall versatility in fitness pursuits. In evaluating whether the Arnold Split is suitable for one’s fitness journey, these factors must be carefully weighed against individual goals, lifestyle constraints, and preferences.  Now, here are the exercises.

The list of exercises Schwarzenegger incorporated to win Mr. Olympia

On the first day of the chest and back training, start with flat bench presses for the chest, followed by bent-over rows targeting the back muscles. Then, move on to incline bench presses to further engage the chest, and incorporate cable crossovers for chest isolation. Dumbbell pullovers are next, focusing on the chest and back, followed by seated cable rows for back development. The shoulders and arms session includes overhead presses for shoulder strength and lateral raises for shoulder width. EZ curl bar bicep curls for biceps, hammer curls for forearm development, skull crushers for triceps, and shrugs for traps.

These are just a few things Schwarzenegger did to progress in his bodybuilding journey. But wait, there’s more. Leg day consists of squats to target the entire lower body, straight-leg deadlifts for the hamstrings and lower back, leg presses for overall leg strength, hamstring curls to isolate the hamstrings, calf raises for calf development, and cable crunches for core strength. On the second chest and back day, begin with incline bench presses, followed by pull-ups to target the back, dumbbell pec flyes for chest isolation, Kroc rows for intense back engagement, dips for chest and triceps, and lat pulldowns to focus on the back.

The second shoulders and arms day includes seated dumbbell presses, face pulls for rear deltoids, close grip bench presses for triceps, overhead tricep extensions for tricep isolation, and bicep 21s for a comprehensive bicep workout. Finally, leg day two incorporates deadlifts for overall lower body strength, hack squats for quad development, good mornings for hamstring and lower back engagement, glute ham raises to target the hamstrings and glutes, leg extensions for quad isolation, and lying leg raises for core strength. Each exercise is typically performed for a specified number of repetitions, tailored to individual fitness levels and goals. While the routine offers both pros and cons, it is essential to understand who should follow this routine.


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Understanding who should follow the routine

The Arnold Split appeals to several specific demographics within the fitness community. Competitive bodybuilders like Schwarzenegger can find it particularly beneficial due to its emphasis on muscle growth and aesthetics, catering directly to the demands of physique competitions. Additionally, experienced lifters who crave a challenge and aim to push past plateaus often gravitate toward this regimen.


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Its high volume and intensity offer a rigorous training experience, ideal for those seeking to elevate their performance, much like the legend Arnold Schwarzenegger. Moreover, individuals prioritizing aesthetics and muscle development favor the Arnold Split for its targeted approach to different muscle groups, facilitating both growth and definition.

The Arnold split offers a challenging but effective approach to building muscle and improving physique. While it may not suit everyone’s lifestyle or fitness goals, those willing to commit to its demands can expect significant gains in both muscle mass and strength.