
Bodybuilder Joey Swoll recently uncovered a disturbing incident in a gym locker room. In a snippet video shared online, two women secretly recorded another woman changing clothes. The woman being recorded was without clothes, unaware of the invasion of privacy she was enduring.

To make matters worse, the women behind were not only violating her privacy but also mocking her, laughing arrogantly as they filmed. Furious at the blatant disrespect and invasion of privacy, Swoll took to Instagram to express his outrage.

Joey Swoll ensured these women paid for their terrible behavior in the gym


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In the Instagram video, he minced no words, questioning, “This video really pissed me off. Pardon my language, but what the f*ck is wrong with you? How do you not know better than to do this to somebody? I had to cover that poor woman that you were filming completely nude in the locker room at this spa.” He condemned the despicable act, emphasizing respecting others’ privacy and dignity.


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The bodybuilding icon expressed his empathy. He took decisive action, informing his followers that he had intervened, ensuring that the women who filmed faced consequences for their actions.  He even showed a screenshot of his chat with the spa center where they assured him that they banned those women who recorded the video. “Well, you’re not going to be laughing for very long because I talked to them you are permanently banned from going there,” said Swoll in the video.

But Swoll didn’t stop at just seeking justice for the victim. He also called for accountability, urging the authorities to investigate the matter and press charges if necessary. His impassioned plea resonated with many, highlighting the importance of standing up against such shameful acts and advocating for a culture of respect and decency. When it comes to spreading positivity and gym ethics, Swoll didn’t let anybody go, whether it’s a common gym-goer or the 2x Mr. Olympia, Erin Banks.

Erin Banks apologizes for his gym behavior


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Former 2x Mr. Olympia champ, Erin Banks, faced heat for gym behavior, caught by Joey Swoll. Swoll called out Banks on social media for filming without regard for others, saying, “Keep the grind going, unless someone walks through your video.” Swoll stressed success doesn’t excuse bad behavior, urging Banks to set a positive gym example.

READ MORE: “You Only End Up Embarrassing Yourself”: Joey Swoll Reprimands Netizen Making Fun of a Man Shadowboxing in Public

Banks surprised everyone by owning up, and publicly apologizing for his actions. Swoll acknowledged Banks’ rare accountability, stating, “We ALL make mistakes. He’s the 7th to apologize without blaming others. Thank you for that brother.” Swoll appreciated Banks’ accountability, highlighting that it’s human to err.


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In a world where privacy is increasingly under threat, does Swoll’s focus on spreading positivity could make a significant impact on society?

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