
Have you ever wondered how bodybuilders achieve those super-jacked physiques? Well most of them hide the secret behind the muscular physique, but a few have opened up and confessed to using performance-enhancing drugs. Whether it’s creatine, peptides, Nandrolone, or other ster**ds. One among them is Nandrolone, which gained popularity in the sports and bodybuilding industry.

Steroids emerged in the early 1930s, while Nandrolone, was created in the 1950s. Nandrolone was introduced with more variations afterward. The compound acts as a synthetic anabolic steroid that helps bodybuilders to bulk up. Let’s unfold its benefits, side effects, and how it helps athletes appear more muscular.

Benefits of Nandrolone


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Nandrolone, also known as Deca-Durabolin, is a synthetic form of testosterone. It was originally developed to treat health issues. Nandrolone was initially used medically for anemia, osteoporosis in older women, severe muscle loss in AIDS patients, and against certain types of cancers. Further studies revealed its other benefits, such as building muscles and improving the healing process. Consequently, it gained popularity among fitness enthusiasts and bodybuilders.

Now, as we pointed out, testosterone is a male hormone that is also present in females. Maintaining testosterone levels in men is crucial because this hormone helps with muscle growth, s** drive, and overall emotional and physical well-being. The human body generates this hormone naturally, but people found that taking an external dose produced significantly better results. Hence, the drugs gained popularity.

However, as men get older, testosterone levels drop. Therefore, bodybuilders use it to maintain their shredded physique in later years. As we delve deeper into Nandrolone and testosterone levels, reports indicate that it helps with muscle growth, but only to a certain extent. Beyond muscle growth, it helps your body produce more proteins, reduces swelling, and speeds up recovery.

Lee Priest’s revelation of using Deca for muscle growth

Bodybuilders often work out intensely to maintain their physique, and due to their rigorous routines, they frequently get injured. Sometimes, these injuries are severe enough to require treatment and can prevent them from competing. A recent example is Nick Walker. Walker had to withdraw from the 2023 Mr. Olympia after injuring his hamstring. However, he has fully recovered and recently secured his Olympia invitation by winning the New York Pro Show. Unlike in the past, bodybuilders have become more transparent about their steroid use, openly admitting to using PEDs.

A while back, during a podcast video with veteran bodybuilders, the Australian bodybuilder Lee Priest confessed, “Well, I took steroids at 19, you know.” He also revealed the drug he used to enhance his physique: Deca. Moreover, “I was 19 the first half of the year I was still natural when you see me. Later on, in the year you can see the 20 pounds difference I put on from and all I did was take Deca and people made fun of me,” said the blond myth.

He also revealed that for eight weeks, he used Deca at a dose of 200 milligrams per week. It’s important to understand that Priest didn’t consume the drug daily but weekly and in a limited amount. According to veterans, people who think that just taking PEDs can boost their muscle growth are sorely mistaken.

But how does it help? Nandrolone boosts the number of red blood cells in the body, allowing it to exercise for longer periods without feeling fatigued.  Due to its recovery potential, it gained popularity in the world of bodybuilding.  You have to give your 100% in the gym; these drugs only help to a certain point. Once you stop using them, you might lose your gains if you’re not working out.

The potential side effects of Nandrolone

To determine the appropriate dosage, you need to seek help from medical experts who will recommend the dosage based on your body and requirements. When a doctor prescribes nandrolone, it can be helpful because it boosts muscle growth by making protein and helps the body recover faster by reducing inflammation.

Using Nandrolone without a prescription may initially appear beneficial. However, its misuse can lead to severe health complications, like, heart attacks, strokes, liver toxicity, infertility, cardiovascular issues, liver damage, hormonal imbalances, and psychological effects like aggression and depression. Apart from health problems, unauthorized Nandrolone use can entail legal repercussions too.

Even when taken as directed by a doctor, some people still struggle with using Nandrolone. It’s important to know about the potential side effects, like headaches, acne, stomach issues, swelling, trouble sleeping, and mood changes. These side effects can be different for men and women. Men might notice things like smaller testicles, fewer sperm, painful erections, and bigger breasts. For women, it could mean irregular periods, more body hair, baldness like men, and a deeper voice. Even a bodybuilding enthusiast Paul Barnett shared his experience about Nandrolone.


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Fitness expert shared his experience with NPP and Deca

Paul Barnett shared a video on his YouTube channel Anabolic Bodybuilding, where he articulated his experience with nandrolone, specifically Nandrolone Phenylpropionate (NPP) and  Nandrolone Decanoate (Deca). He explained that NPP and Deca are two different types of nandrolone. He explained, that NPP is faster than Deca. But Deca has a longer duration in the body.


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Barnett prefers NPP over Deca because of its quick clearance from the body. He also stresses that its faster exit from the system could be beneficial in avoiding any side effects. Barnett mentioned experiencing erectile dysfunction and breast enlargement when he took too much nandrolone with testosterone. He said these were because nandrolone affects estrogen levels and binds to progesterone receptors. He also had anxiety and high blood pressure but managed with medication.

Besides the side effects, he highlighted that nandrolone improved his joints, made him stronger, and helped his muscles grow steadily. He used a small dose to help his joints feel better. Nandrolone’s muscle-building abilities have made it popular in bodybuilding. Like other PEDs, it carries health risks, but with proper guidance and limited use, it can be beneficial.