
Jacob Gr?goire is an immensely talented 23-year-old circus athlete who impresses his fans on social media with insanely difficult skills and tricks. The circus athlete spends hours perfecting different physical feats of balance, strength, fitness, and coordination. He combines multiple individual skills to create seemly superhuman stunts. However, his latest one has sent fans into disbelief.

The Quebec resident recently uploaded a video combining strength, agility, and balance into one outlandish stunt. While Gr?goire’s trick blew many people’s minds, others seemed puzzled. Some even refused to believe it was real. So what did the stunt look like?

A stunt that defies the laws of physics


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About a week ago, the Canadian athlete uploaded a video on his Instagram page, Jacob Acrobat. The video started with the 23-year-old holding three titles together with both hands. However, Gr?goire stood atop a pull-up bar in the gym instead of standing on the ground. He squatted down on the bar before pulling off the first ridiculously difficult move of the video.

The acrobat let go of the titles he held together and jumped from the bar. On the way down, the circus athlete caught the bar with his hands and then caught the three tiles with his feet. Even more impressively, all three tiles stayed in place despite falling free for a split second. Gr?goire then grabbed the bar with one hand and used the other hand and one leg to grab the tiles.

After hanging on the bar with one hand, he finally jumped down, transitioning to grabbing the three with both hands before landing on his feet. As he ended the video with a celebration, people in the comments couldn’t believe what they witnessed.

The fitness world couldn’t process how they felt


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While most people expressed disbelief, one fan wrote, “A rare glimpse of emotion from the wild acrobat.”?The stunt Gr?goire pulled off was so unbelievable even he ditched his expressionless face with which he ends most of his videos.?“It?s in reverse,”?said another fan plainly.?“No way.. wait what. My brain hurts,”?commented another.

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“We?ve been hoodwinked, bamboozled, led astray, run amok and flat out deceived!”?wrote one fan.?“Ok now how’d you get up there with 3 blocks??”?questioned another user. People also noticed that instead of expensive sports shoes, the 23-year-old wore, Crocs.?“The real magic is do it wearing Crocs,”?wrote one fan.?“All in a pair of Crocs,” commented a fitness enthusiast.


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While Jacob Gr?goire often makes impossible stunts look easy, his most recent stunt was by far the most complex yet. I’ll be interested to see if he can one-up himself in the future.?