
When it comes to the world of bodybuilding and powerlifting, accidents can cause even the best of the lot. It is all a game of balance and control and even the slightest non-sync can go tremendously wrong. This was exactly what happened with the infamous Bodybuilder Justyn Vicky, who passed away about a month ago in a situation of disbalance.

Before the untimely demise of the legend, a lesser-known fitness influencer had warned the entire fitness community of such risks with a video online.

William Nieto warning the fitness community about taking a good spotter


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In a throwback video posted by fitness influencer William Nieto on his official Instagram page, he shared with the fitness world the horrific accidents that might occur when you are training alone. He even captioned the video, “You should not train alone!!!!!”

In the video, he was trying to pull out just one rep of a 315 lbs bench press all alone. He had no spotter standing behind the bars. He managed to bring the bar down to his chest pretty much smoothly. However, the massacre occurred the moment he tried to lift up the bar and place it to rest.

Read More: “May He Rest in Peace”: Tragic Death of Bodybuilder Who Met a Fatal Accident in the Gym Leaves Fitness World Enraged Over ‘Clueless’ Spotter

Just as he tried pushing the bar up to re-rack it, he lost control, and the bar got stuck. Now, if he had the spotter even just standing behind him, it could have been easier. However, he had no one standing, and that is why it became so difficult for him. Now a very similar case happened with the legend Justyn Vicky as well.


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What happened to Justyn Vicky?

The Indonesian bodybuilder met with a fatal gym accident that caused his life last month at the age of 33! Justyn Vicky was making an attempt to squat 462.97 lbs on the barbell. The report said, “Vicky failed to complete the lift and fell forward, cascading the weight bar off his shoulders and snapping his neck and head forward.” 


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Now, the force of the weight managed to break his neck, and it somehow compressed the nerves that connected to his heart and respiratory systems. Vicky had a clueless spotter that day for the deadly exercise. Maybe if the spotter would have paid better attention or if he would have informed the intensity of the lift, the bodybuilding world would not have had another tragic loss. What do you think about the death of Justyn Vicky? Let us know in the comments section below! 

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