
Seven-time Mr. Olympia winner Arnold Schwarzenegger arguably had the best biceps in bodybuilding history. Besides genetics, Schwarzenegger built his biceps thanks to what he learned from the likes of Vince Gironda, Joe Gold, and others. Still pumping iron at 76, the Austrian Oak has now highlighted a scientific study that showed how Gironda’s creation remains the best biceps exercise.

According to Arnie, many exercises help you build bigger biceps and arms. However, “not all movements are created equal,” stated the 76-year-old bodybuilding icon. While many exercises target the biceps, only a few can truly isolate the muscle. Two of these exercises are the incline dumbbell and the preacher curl, but the latter is more effective.

“Recent research suggests that preacher curls are more effective at building bigger biceps than incline dumbbell curls,” Arnold Schwarzenegger wrote in the Arnold’s Pump Club. Schwarzenegger also explained that a phenomenon called stretch hypertrophy was the reason behind the preacher curl coming out on top. The variation loads the muscle “where it is most challenged.”


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The inclined dumbbell curl increased the range of motion. However, “even though your muscle is stretched, the muscle is not under as much tension,” explained Arnold Schwarzenegger. Meanwhile, the biceps remain loaded at the stretched position during a preacher curl and grow more. Arnie also explained how to utilize stretch hypertrophy in other movements.

“You need to figure out where your muscles achieve peak force and how to maximize leverage,” wrote the bodybuilding legend. Interestingly, Vince Gironda devised the preacher curl while coaching the first Mr. Olympia winner, Larry Scott. Due to this association, the preacher curl is also called the Scott curl. Arnold Schwarzenegger also trained under the pioneering bodybuilding coach when he arrived in America. However, he once underestimated the legendary coach.


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Arnold Schwarzenegger learned the hard way

The Austrian Oak was training with the Iron Guru when the 60s came to a close. One day, Schwarzenegger walked into Vince’s Gym to find his coach lying down with two light dumbbells and performing a movement he had never seen before. However, Arnie felt amused and cracked a joke. This looks like some kind of a Mickey Mouse exercise,” said Arnie.


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So, the legendary bodybuilding coach told Arnie to give it a try. Schwarzenegger obliged and didn’t find the exercise challenging. However, things changed the following day when Schwarzenegger’s triceps stung with pain. “I realized he was absolutely correct,” Arnie reminisced. While Arnie moved to Gold’s Gym, Gironda became famous as a pioneer.

While Arnold Schwarzenegger didn’t dismiss inclined dumbbell curls and wrote that one could incorporate both exercises into your routine,  those with limited time would find the preacher curl to be more bang for the buck.