
The 39-year-old mother of two from Worcester, U.K. Clair Skyvington, shared her inspiring fitness journey online. About five years ago, the single mother was chowing down on six meals a day. All the food she ate was either fast or junk food like pizza, burgers, and french fries, which she would wash down with sugary sodas. Even after childbirth, she couldn’t control her eating habit and ballooned to 229 lbs while standing 4’11 Ft tall.

Skyvington would hide behind her children in the few photographs she took to hide her bulk. Ideally, the 39-year-old avoided cameras altogether. However, when she couldn’t even walk to the store without running short of breath, let alone keep up with her two sons, Skyvington knew she needed to act.

Making changes for a better life


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While hitting rock bottom might have jolted Skyvington into action, she had more than one behind losing weight.?“I thought, you know what? This isn’t a happy healthy life,”?said Clair in a video uploaded by SWNS on their YouTube channel.?“I joined my local Leisure Center,”?said the 39-year-old and also stopped having the calorie-dense yet deleterious junk food.

While many people join the gym for weight loss, not everyone succeeds in remaining disciplined. However, for half a decade, Clair Skyvington has worked on her fitness without taking shortcuts.?“I got straight onto it and basically just chipped away at it over the years,”?states the mother of two.

Besides sticking to her healthy diet, Skyvington also used a combination of cardio and weight training to drop a staggering 98 lbs in five years. While many people have lost more weight in a shorter time, Skyvington’s merit is something even Arnold Schwarzenegger emphasizes, consistency.

“It’s made me a happier healthier mum. I can take part in more activities with my children. We can run around the fields, we can play football,”?she said. In the video, the 39-year-old also revealed what her weight loss journey has taught her over the years.

What pursuing fitness has taught Clair Skyvington


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After five years of pursuing health and wellness, Clair Skyvington has learned a lot from those around her and her coaches. From the beginning of her fitness journey, the 30-year-old realized she was not alone. From her gym friend to her “fabulous” coaches, people supported her through every step. The single mother also learned how to regulate her cravings.

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While talking about her current diet of healthy cereals, pasta, and salad, Skyvington revealed she’s eating at maintenance calories. However, she no longer craves fast food.?“I still have treats,”?but it’s about not overdoing it, explained the 39-year-old. According to Skyvington, “moderation” is the secret to a healthy and fulfilling diet.


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What did you make of Clair Skyvington’s weight loss story? Let us know if the 39-year-old from the U.K. inspired you.?

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