
Andrew Tate?can’t seem to catch a break as the infamy follows him everywhere he goes. Recently the former kickboxer sat for an interview with the BBC. However, the man under house arrest for human trafficking allegations didn’t shy away from controversial statements. Canadian IFBB pro and YouTube fitness influencer Greg Doucette said people creating controversy took a 15-second clip out of context. However, he made the video to slam Tate for his recent outrageous fitness and?bodybuilding-related post.

While the Romanian has become the topic of discussion after another interview, Greg Doucette wasn’t going to let his tweet slide.?Doucette educates his nearly two million subscribers?on potentially dangerous claims touting fitness benefits. Hence, Tate’s recent claim didn’t sit well with the former Canadian national champion.

Andrew Tate claims health benefits without any proof


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On June 3, Andrew Tate claimed a particular practice boosted his testosterone to enormous levels.?“I have a bunch of medical beliefs that I have zero proof for,”?read the IFBB pro from Tate’s tweet. “I refuse to read ‘research’ because it’s Matrix garbage,”?the former Kickboxing champion wrote in his tweet. According to the Romanian,?“nicotine and caffeine are Miracle drugs.”

Despite not having scientific proof, Tate made the observation through his experience. The 36-year-old said the caffeine and nicotine are?“amazing,”?because they have boosted his testosterone levels.?“Despite never taking any steroids,”?Tate claims to have more testosterone than the average male. Hence to keep getting more nicotine and caffeine, the former kickboxer has?“25 cups of coffee and 20 cigars a day.”

After reading the outlandish claim, Doucette asked how many people who read the tweet believed what Tate claimed. The IFBB pro couldn’t fathom that people would fall for such claims.?”25 cups would be 2500 milligrams,”?of coffee, said Doucette and added that the FDA claims only 400 milligrams is safe for consumption.

Read More | ?He?s a Sh***y Athlete?: IFBB Pro Coach Greg Doucette Calls Out Elite Bodybuilder in His Bold Message

The 47-year-old said so much caffeine would harm sleep. He also questioned those who believe Tate could have become a kickboxing world champion by having 25 cigars every day. Since smoking harms the lungs, Tate would have a hard time maintaining his cardio. However, Tate recently made other outrageous claims as well.

Andrew and the BBC reporter crossed paths once again


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BBC reporter Lucy Williamson interviewed Tate less than two weeks ago. After the controversial interview, Tate accused Williamson of doing a?“hit job,”?on his reputation. However, on June 13, the two crossed paths again after Tate’s latest court hearing. Williamson was among the many reports gathered outside the court to ask him questions.

After Tate spotted Ms. Willionson, he came over, snubbed her attempt to ask questions, and took a picture with her.?“Say cheese, my friend Lucy,”?said Tate before taking the snap. Later, he took to Twitter, claiming he had become?“the object of obsession,”?to the journalist. He even claimed she was in love with him.


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Andrew Tate hasn’t responded to Greg Doucette’s video yet. If he does, the IFBB Pro isn’t one to shy away from controversy himself.