
Are you struggling to stick to your fitness routine? Feeling demotivated just days after hitting the gym? You’re not alone. Three-time Mr. Olympia, Frank Zane, sheds light on why so many people falter in their fitness journey and how to turn things around.

In a recent Instagram post, Zane highlighted that the main issue lies in the lack of reinforcement for progress. He points out that many folks dive into fitness after indulging during the holidays, only to lose steam in February or March. Zane breaks down the cycle: “They stuff themselves at Thanksgiving, which continues through December and into the middle of January. This is when they get motivated to get in shape.”

Despite the initial enthusiasm, they fail to continue the routine believes Zane. writing that “They’ll often last in the crowded gyms until February or March. This is the point when the weather starts to warm up so they get out of the gym and do other stuff outside, mixing in a little bit of training while never getting true feedback on their progress.


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Zane believes that relying on feelings of lack or not being good enough to motivate yourself isn’t sustainable. It leads to unhappiness and setbacks rather than progress. Instead, he suggests finding motivation from a positive mindset and focusing on improvement rather than deficiencies.


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So, how do you break free from this cycle of demotivation? Zane offers a simple yet powerful solution: focus on your successes. Similarly to Zane, Arnold Schwarzenegger had also shared his perspective on this matter and offered a few tips on how people can improve their mindset to achieve their desired goals.

Arnold Schwarzenegger tells everyone that “this isn’t the year for quitting”

In an edition of his newsletter, Arnold Schwarzenegger shared an eye-opening fact that 43% of people give up on their fitness goals by February. “Not this year. This isn’t the year for quitting,” he urged his followers. Arnie believed that many quit because they set unrealistic goals, adding that emphasizes that real progress takes time and dedication.


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He advised against extreme changes and instead suggested making fitness a lifestyle. Rather than aiming for quick fixes, he encouraged setting achievable goals. This is something that Schwarzenegger himself follows, focusing in working steadily towards health and fitness, ensuring he can pump iron at 76.

According to these bodybuilding legends, one should celebrate every small win, whether lifting a heavier weight or shaving a few seconds off your run time. By shifting your mindset to embrace progress, you’ll find the fuel to keep pushing forward.