
Larry Wheels is no less than a trailblazer in the realm of powerlifting and bodybuilding. Wheels holds two world records, including 2171 pounds lifting in 2017 and 2275 pounds deadlift, back squat, and bench press combined in the following year. He isn’t just -aholic to one sport, instead his benevolence to whirl different sports gives him a cutting-edge personality. Thus, he has pursued scores of strength sports, including wrestling, powerlifting, bodybuilding, and even strongman competitions. The 29-YO weightlifter had a traumatic childhood. After growing up in a foster home and witnessing financial turmoil, he switched to powerlifting. 

As a consequence, what began as a boredom activity transformed into his passion for strength sports. Recently, a few weeks back, Wheel posted on his social media a picture of him being hospitalized describing a serious medical condition.  

Larry Wheels talks about his condition


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In a monologue posted on his YouTube channel, he describes his condition, stating that he is diagnosed with Rhabdomyolysis, which can lead to kidney damage. Larry explained in the video that he used to feel lightheadedness and anxiety. He mentioned after a week when he was working out, “I wasn’t feeling well so I went downstairs to have half a gallon of apple juice, tons of sugar, and I ended up feeling well.” Though again, he started feeling the same and felt the same for the next couple of days. There’s a lot of panicking going on since I was having all this fear of the unknown and what’s going on in my body.”

In this alarming situation, Larry said, “I gotta listen to my body so I went to the ER and they ended up diagnosing me with Rhabdo. They said my CK levels were elevated from 50 to 100 to 2500. And they said I was at the risk of kidney damage.” According to Greg Doucette, the YouTube personality and bodybuilder, the extra muscles that are created due to the usage of PEDs put extra strain on the kidney and heart. Moreover, Larry Wheels has confessed that he was using performance-enhancing drugs (PEDs) for the last 10 years. Hence, this might be the side effect of Tren, a PED he used to consume. 

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Furthermore, the 29-YO powerlifter said, “Doctors told me that you got to take this IV with some extra fluids to get rehydrated. So now I am taking new tabs and lots of water. However, taking these new tabs rapidly, the cramping was so bad that I couldn’t even open my hands.” Thus, clearly divulging what Doucette said that it is the side effect of PED dosage and young bodybuilders and athletes are unaware of its impact. 


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Wheels’ dependency on PEDs 

Athletes are in a rush to get a perfect physique, irrespective of what it takes. Bodybuilders with a symmetrical physique are unaware of the after-effects of these performance-enhancing drugs(PEDs). Larry Wheels is among the many athletes who confessed his dependency on PEDs like Tren. 


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When he went on his Instagram, he posted a picture, captioned, “I f**ked around and got Rhabdo. Lightheaded af.” Due to Rhabdo, Wheels is at risk of damaging his kidney or probably kidney failure. What is your opinion on PEDs? Do comment below!

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