
In the dynamic realm of bodybuilding, there has always been a quest for physical perfection. Defined muscles, well-defined cuts, and a magnificent physique are the ideals that many strive for. However, recent revelations from IFBB pro coach and renowned bodybuilder Greg Doucette point towards a new trend in the fitness world called “Testosterone Dysmorphia” that could be harmful.

Greg Doucette recently released a candid video on his YouTube channel titled as What Fake Nattys Are Taking To Fool You, offering a thorough analysis of this emerging concern. The video has since garnered significant attention, shedding light on the deceptive practices in the fitness industry.

Greg Doucette speaks about the recent fixation on testosterone levels


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He highlighted the crux of the matter with the words, “Testosterone dysmorphia… more people than ever before are suffering from this. People are thinking that their test levels are lower than last time; that the reason they can’t build muscle is because they don’t have high enough levels of testosterone.” The increasing fixation on testosterone levels starts from a misconception that higher levels of the hormone automatically translate to more muscle and a better physique. This, as Doucette emphasizes, is a trap that many are falling into.

The market responds actively to consumer concerns. It is full of products and offerings that promise to boost testosterone levels. Stories convince people that if their testosterone levels are around 500 or 600, it’s not enough. There’s a growing pressure to double these figures for supposedly better results in muscle gain. Unfortunately, the quest for these “optimized” testosterone levels is leading many down a slippery slope. Many products lure them with promises of higher testosterone levels. Doucette points out the irony: many take these products wanting to project a 100% natural image.

The real cost of chasing “optimal” in bodybuilding

The question Doucette poses is: Are individuals truly any better for taking PEDs? The answer seems clear: intake of any performance-enhancing drugs distances you from being truly natural. People risk their health based on false beliefs because they don’t want others to call them cheaters. Doucette also bashed another teenager participating in an absurd 30-day challenge.


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He also brought attention to the importance of getting regular blood work done. Such tests help individuals understand their natural testosterone levels, cholesterol, and other vital health metrics. However, the obsession should not be about chasing after an arbitrary “optimal” level, especially when numbers like 495 are perfectly normal.

Read more: “What Is Wrong With Today’s Society”: IFBB Pro Coach Disgusted by Influencer’s Unserious Approach to a Bodybuilding Contest


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The bodybuilding world is no stranger to challenges and trends. Some may argue that pushing boundaries is intrinsic to the sport. But, when people risk their health, they need to be careful. As Greg Doucette has alerted, “Testosterone Dysmorphia” is a mounting concern. It’s crucial for individuals to stay informed to discern marketing hype from health advice and prioritize their well-being above all.

Watch this story: IFBB Pro Coach And World-Record Powerlifter Brutally Calls Out Famous Fitness Influencer On Not Being ‘Natty’