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Arnold Schwarzenegger recently stepped in to offer words of encouragement to a struggling individual grappling with feelings of demotivation and disappointment. In his newsletter, Schwarzenegger addressed a member of his “village” who expressed frustration over failing to meet personal goals and battling stress from work and family.

The individual shared their struggles candidly, admitting to feeling drained and disheartened by their perceived lack of progress. They also expressed disappointment about what seemed like a “0% week.” The seven-time Mr. Olympia, known for his indomitable spirit and resilience, responded with empathetic and empowering advice.

‘Anything can beat zero’:  Arnold Schwarzenegger’s perspective on overcoming setback


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In the newsletter, Schwarzenegger urged the person to recognize the self-defeating cycle they had fallen into. “I need you to take a breath. You’re beating yourself up, and I can’t let you do that. Think about how much energy you’re using against yourself, of course, you don’t have the energy to workout,” said Arnie. He emphasized the importance of not being too harsh on oneself, highlighting the energy wasted on self-criticism. Instead, he urged the individual to reflect on their week objectively.

Schwarzenegger encouraged him to acknowledge even the smallest victories, such as taking a walk or having a nutritious meal, as significant accomplishments. He stressed the importance of looking forward, refusing to label the entire week as a failure, and emphasizing the opportunity to turn things around.

“I want you to take all this energy and use it to get to a 5% or 10% week. Or even 1%, anything beats zero,” Schwarzenegger bluntly stated, putting the situation into perspective, “One week is nothing. It doesn’t f-ing matter.” Arnie further emphasized that setbacks and mistakes are inevitable but reiterated that giving up is the only true failure.

Keep moving forward no matter what, says Arnie

“Don’t give up. Get up. Do something. Do anything,” Schwarzenegger passionately urged, while sharing his own experience of having faced anxiety and depression after heart surgery.

READ MORE:  “I Wake Up Sometimes Depressed”: Always Joyous Arnold Schwarzenegger Makes a Surprising Confession About His Life at 76


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 According to Arnold Schwarzenegger, every setback is an opportunity for growth, and every effort, no matter how small, is what brings us closer to success. As he said, “I believe in you,” Schwarzenegger looked to instill confidence and motivation in those who may be struggling to find their footing.

So, take a deep breath, muster your strength, and keep pushing forward—because as long as you don’t give up, you haven’t failed, according to Schwarzenegger.

READ MORE: “Failures Make Us Learn”: Despite a Failed Dream of Becoming POTUS, Arnold Schwarzenegger Once Unravelled Importance of Failure in Life


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