
In a remarkable tale of overcoming adversity, Eddie Hall, a resolute strongman, shattered barriers and set a new deadlift world record in 2015 and 2016. Yet, beneath this incredible feat lies a journey riddled with challenges and hurdles. Inspired by his role model, the legendary Arnold Schwarzenegger, Hall always tried to give his best in every field he set his foot in. And surprised by Schwarzenegger’s distinctive appearance at the 2015 deadlifting competition, Hall was motivated to give his best.

In 2014, the Beast nearly shattered the world deadlifting record by lifting an incredible 460 kg. However, destiny prevented his win when the bar slipped out of his hands. Despite this setback, true champions bounce back with tenacity. In 2015, the British athlete displayed his unwavering resolve and etched his name into the history of strength sports by successfully raising an astounding 462 kg and establishing a new world deadlifting record.

Battling inner demons: Eddie Hall’s struggle with depression


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During Hall’s younger years, he passionately pursued his dream of becoming an Olympian. Unfortunately, he faced a major setback upon learning about Nan’s cancer diagnosis. This heartbreaking news sent him into a spiral of depression and addiction.

During the darkest times of his struggles, young Hall unexpectedly came across a poster of Arnold Schwarzenegger, sparking his passion and rejuvenating his determination. The Strongman vividly remembers the 7x Mr.Olympia‘s insightful words, saying, “There’s a big difference between arrogance and confidence. Arrogance is thinking you’re better than everybody else, but confidence is knowing you’re better than everybody else.” This deep understanding motivated Hall to start working on himself, leading him toward a journey of self-improvement and redemption.

The amazing turn of events: Eddie Hall meets his idol Arnold Schwarzenegger by chance

With a newfound determination, Eddie Hall shifted his focus from bodybuilding to strongman contests. As he participated in numerous national-level competitions, he quickly established himself as a powerful contender. At the young age of 23, he earned the esteemed UK’s Strongest Man title. Unyielding in his ambitions, Hall then set his eyes on the well-known World’s Strongest Man contest.


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Read More: “That’s Quite Scary”: Strongman Beast Eddie Hall Bags Gold in His Newest Venture

By a twist of fate, Eddie Hall astonishingly shared the stage with his childhood idol, Arnold Schwarzenegger, during his record-breaking achievement. While getting ready to lift, Hall noticed a pair of shoes and exclaimed, “That’s when I realized, Arnold Schwarzenegger was there just before I began to lift and I couldn’t fail. Who could fail if Arnold Schwarzenegger is there?”

Consequently, his motivation skyrocketed as he knew he couldn’t disappoint himself in front of such a legendary figure. This memorable encounter with the legendary bodybuilder truly validated Hall’s journey, reinforcing his faith in the power of dreams and the significance of unwavering self-confidence.


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Watch This Story: “Mind shutting the f**k up”: Days after Eddie Hall’s 10 YO son sweeps 160lbs deadlift, he slams people over concerning reasons