
Overthinking has become a common issue in the fast-paced digital age, where information is constantly at our fingertips. Five-time Mr. Olympia, Chris Bumstead, knows this struggle all too well. Having faced high stress himself, Bumstead recently shared his strategy for overcoming overthinking and social media addiction.

Bumstead credits his fiancée for helping him through a particularly tough time. According to CBum, Courtney King provided him with a book to help manage his stress. Though he didn’t read it, he shared a powerful quote from his therapist: “You can be the best in the world, but that it’s going to take away from others… the optimal business, the optimal relationship.” This advice helped him find balance in his life.

Chris Bumstead’s revelation saying ‘We’re all depressed’


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Drawing from his personal experience, Bumstead offers valuable insights for those grappling with overthinking. When asked if people over-complicate things in their quest to achieve their goals, Bumstead responded affirmatively in a short YouTube video titled “Stop Overthinking and Just Do.” “Yeah, I just think we’re in an age of over-information and over-thinking,” he explained.

He pointed out that our obsession with smartphones might be a part of the problem. The 29-year-old explained that people are glued to their phones because it helps them avoid overthinking. Apps like “TikTok and Instagram” offer endless scrolling, which provides a temporary escape from constant thoughts.

In today’s world, everyone feels pressured to be perfect because there’s so much information available. If you share something online, people are quick to harshly criticize even the smallest mistake. This fear of criticism is what makes people scared to try new things or put themselves out there. They end up overanalyzing and overcriticizing everything to the point that they do nothing at all.

Moreover, this results in many people feeling depressed. The Canadian bodybuilding icon highlighted, “We’re all depressed sitting in our basement watching fuc**g TikTok of other people’s lives pretending to be happy.” Bumstead emphasizes that this cycle of overthinking and inactivity needs to stop.


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This is not the first time CBum has talked about depression. It is something that the bodybuilding champion has faced head-on.

CBum’s impact on fitness enthusiasts

In 2023, during an interview, the father of one openly talked about mental health.  Bumstead shared his own emotional struggles during his Olympia preparations and highlighted that many bodybuilders face similar issues, using the gym to cope with depression, anxiety, and self-doubt.


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Bumstead said, “I have these hard times I think those are the most impactful moments for me. And I know a lot of pro bodybuilders who are struggling a lot mentally behind the scenes and feel like they’re alone and they can’t share it.” Furthermore, when asked about helping others through his posts, Bumstead expressed gratitude for the positive impact beyond physical inspiration. As a fan favorite and role model, he feels great that his openness and social media posts positively impact others’ lives, inspiring them to follow the right path.

Chris Bumstead’s approach to overcoming overthinking and social media addiction highlights the importance of balance and openness. He encourages others to manage stress and seek genuine connections beyond their screens.