
Arnold Schwarzenegger‘s youngest son, Joseph Baena, has been busy lately. After traveling to Brazil last month, he went on a trip to Germany. The bodybuilder announced his trip on his Instagram story after landing in Leipzig. However, just like his trip to Sau Paulo, this one also had a purpose.

The 26-year-old updated his Instagram story shortly letting his fans know he was in Leipzig, Germany. The bodybuilding enthusiast uploaded a photograph wearing the RB Leipzig soccer club jersey and posing with their mascot. However, Joseph Baena didn’t feel particularly excited about the 12-hour flight to California.

The young actor uploaded an Instagram story sitting inside the plane. 12 hrs of peace, wrote the bodybuilder. However, Baena’s post might have been sarcastic. Arnold Schwarzenegger’s son had his headphones on and you could hear babies crying in the background. It seems that the bodybuilder didn’t experience the peace he hoped for.


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However, despite the inconvenience, Joseph Baena is returning to America with good memories. In Sao Paulo, the regional powerhouse soccer team Palmeiras invited the bodybuilder to watch the Paulistao final against Santos. They also gave him a custom jersey. However, his soccer adventures continued in Germany.

On May 17, the 26-year-old posted multiple images from inside RB Leipzig’s home stadium. He wore the soccer club’s color and made a thrilling announcement. From Sunday league to getting picked up by @rbleipzig as a free agent (it’s a 1 day contract), wrote the 26-year-old amateur bodybuilder.

While Joseph Baena didn’t elaborate on why he visited Leipzig, he probably went there for the Virtual Bundesliga International Series 2024. No details of the series are currently available. However, it’s safe to say that the bodybuilder is successfully growing his brand.


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The bodybuilder is moving from success to success

Joseph Baena’s RB Leipzig saga is the latest feather in his cap. The 26-year-old actor has lately gathered many such feathers, and the first one started with landing a YoungLA sponsorship. YoungLA has established itself as a significant fitness apparel brand, and they flew Baena out to the Arnold Classic UK and AC South America.


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Since Arnold Schwarzenegger couldn’t make it to Brazil, Joseph Baena gave a speech on the stage instead. He then attended the soccer game and appeared on a talk show. The bodybuilder is also all set to star in Gunner alongside Morgan Freeman and Luke Hemsworth.

So it seems that the bodybuilder, actor, and now Leipzig free agent is well on his way to building his own legacy, away from the shadow of Arnold Schwarzenegger’s legacy.