
In today’s era of rapid information, media publications are under constant pressure to make their content more unique and exciting. Unfortunately, there have been some instances when creative liberty for the sake of generating attention and clicks has led to twisting statements or misrepresentations. And the recent example of such an incident is the tweet by Daily Loud‘s Twitter account about Arnold Schwarzenegger‘s opinion on the concept of the afterlife. 

The Daily Loud’s recently made tweet with the caption, “Arnold Schwarzenegger says heaven is a ‘fantasy… anyone that tells you something else is an f–king liar”. This tweet caught the attention of many, as it received more than 30K likes and above 1000 retweets. However, according to Arnold Schwarzenegger, this provocative statement about him was, in fact, a piece of misleading news.

Fans support the explanation of Arnold Schwarzenegger


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In response to the headline, Schwarzenegger took to Twitter to express his disagreement and frustration. He slammed the act of manipulating his words for sensationalism. The Austrian Oak directly addressed the Daily Loud, stating, “You should be ashamed of yourselves. How much money do you make misleading people for retweets?” 

Without further explaining his side of the story, he left it to the audience to know his point of view. The Terminator dropped down the link of the entire conversation. The misleading headline not only raised eyebrows but also generated an outpouring of support for Arnold Schwarzenegger. Even the legendary bodybuilding and 7x Mr. Olympia Phil Heath supported Schwarzenegger’s view while tweeting the actual conversation. He also captioned the image he posted. He wrote, “Agreed as they shouldn’t do this to get traction on their account. Here’s the real quote from that article which @DailyLoud fans should see.” 

In the comments section of the tweet shared by The Austrian Oak, readers expressed their affection for Terminator and criticized the misinterpretation.

Many fans condemned the unprofessional approach of the popular page. One fan also highlighted how sensationalization is taking over the basic journalism principle ending up telling manipulated information.

Read More: “You Really Think I Don’t Talk About Him in My Documentary? That’s Insane”: Arnold Schwarzenegger Blasts at Fans, Hours Before the Release of His Netflix Documentary

The tweet created a lot of buzz across the fan community, and Schwarzenegger had to settle down all the debates. Many fans thanked Schwarzenegger for clearing the doubts.


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The support generated for Schwarzenegger in response to the misleading headline demonstrates the public’s desire for integrity and accountability in media reporting. Misleading headlines can have serious repercussions for public figures and their reputation.

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