
Bulking has always been a topic of debate, and everyone has their own approach to it. But there’s been a term in the community that has always attracted attention: Dirty bulking. It involves eating a high amount of calories regardless of the nutritional benefits, fats, or proteins. However, is that the correct way to go about it? Well, to answer that very question, four-time Mr. Olympia Jay Cutler shared some meaningful insights, while also revealing how questions about dirty bulking exceed any other topic. 

Cutler suggests eating homemade burgers and fries

Cutler shared that he was questioned,” Jay, should I be using dirty calories to build muscle?” when he used to feature in old magazines like FLEX back in his day, to which he replied, “Of course.” However, he also shared that a picture of his featuring burgers and fries caught the community’s eye in the past. 


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Further talking about that, the bodybuilder added,” I’d have to get more calories in as I chased size to eventually overcome the all-time great Ronnie Coleman.” Cutler said that it is important that people don’t take this the wrong way. He emphasized that most of the food he ate was healthy and clean. The food everyone saw in the magazine was meant to add extra calories to his behemoth physique.

Cutler shed light on the fact that he weighed around 300 pounds in his prime days and that his body needed much more calories than an average person to sustain his size. However, he shared that some guys also benefit from eating unhealthy food with a lot of calories. Additionally, for food lovers, he suggested an alternative saying ” using healthy, organic-reared burgers and homemade fries, so you actually avoid the regular fast food joints because your digestive system will feel much better for it!

If he look back, Cutler had himself followed some serious off-season bulk to maintain his behemoth-like physique. In an Instagram video, he shared the secret of his diet.

The four-time Mr. Olympia’s behemoth diet


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In the video, the four-time Mr. Olympia had a conversation with Pineda and revealed that he used to chug two cups of egg whites with amino acids. He had two eggs with two Ezekiel breads. As a part of his breakfast, he ate a bowl of Gritz with cottage cheese.

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The four-time Mr. Olympia shared,“ I would buy 30 dozen eggs at a time from a local farm… and I would buy a whole cow, and then I’d buy 140 pounds of chicken at a time. So I had two freezers in my garage, and I would eat five pounds of meat a day plus the eggs.” 


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So what’s clear is dirty bulking is reportedly not an ideal way to bulk and at the end of the day, one needs to focus on following a healthy diet. What are your views on Cutler’s bulking tips? Will you follow his tips? Let us know in the comments.

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