
The entertainment business and even the bodybuilding world know the significance of the perfect physique and facial features. At times, celebrities may go to great lengths to alter their bodies for the purpose of captivating their audience. Similarly, individuals might also consider making changes to their bodies to leave an impression on someone they admire.?

Victor Martinez, Ehsan Farahi, Vlad Yudin, and Edwin Mejia Jr, started their daily Generation Iron podcast to talk about these issues. This is when the iconic dance/romantic genre movie, ‘Dirty Dancing’ was mentioned.?

Victor Martinez talks about nose jobs


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The bodybuilding veterans were talking about news, which was about a young man named Dynzell Sigers. This young man had spent $81,000 on limb-lengthening surgery to become taller after a woman rejected him. The man was 5’5″ and after the surgery, he became 6 feet tall. Victor seemed very baffled after Yudin read this news.

They started talking about why this man chose to undergo such a drastic body transformation. They also speculated that he might face difficulties in walking as he gets older. Victor emphasized that blaming the woman wasn’t a solution. According to the bodybuilder, this decision might trap the man in a limited mindset. Since Sigers mentioned that a girl rejected him, the conversation shifted to discussing what women typically find attractive in a man’s physique.

This is when the conversation went to plastic surgery, and how celebrities change their anatomy for showbiz. Victor recalled the iconic 1987 movie ‘Dirty Dancing’ and talked about actress Jennifer Grey. He recalled, ?Like back in the days, you guys remember uh Dirty Dancing?? After everyone agreed, he continued, ?Patrick Swayze rest in peace but Jennifer Gray loved her, loved the little flaw her nose. It was just distinctive you know. She fixed it, she was forgotten.? Gray had herself admitted to Insider that she became “invisible” after her second nose job.

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According to Victor, the little flaws and unique aspects of the physique make a person?s identity and trademark. He has talked about damaging one?s physique before, as well as the harmful effects of it.


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Martinez’s insights on steroid use and scar tissue deformation

The IFBB pro gave his insights on steroid use in a Generation?Iron podcast snippet on Instagram. The caption read,??Repeated steroid injections can cause lumps of scar tissue to deform your physique. But there?s a way to avoid it.??

The host started talking about how pro bodybuilders use steroid injections to develop muscles, but this can create a lot of scar tissue. Martinez added that it does not only become heavy on the pocket but also dangerous for the body.


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So it seems that the 2007 Arnold Classic winner understands the significance of proper balance. According to him, any extreme physical transformation can be harmful, both mentally and anatomically. What do you think of his views on this? Tell us in the comments below.