
Jeff Nippard, renowned for his science-based approach to bodybuilding, recently teamed up with fitness influencer Jesse James West to rank various exercises in the YouTube video, titled “Ranking Every Exercise From WORST To BEST!” During their collaboration, Nippard took the opportunity to share valuable insights on performing Lat Pulldowns. He emphasized the nuances of optimal muscle growth and technique refinement.

In a snippet from the video shared by Jesse James West, Nippard demonstrated and clarified the proper approach to Lat Pulldowns. He began with a crucial point: “The most obvious thing is eccentric control. So what you want to do is think about your lats pulling apart on the negative. It doesn’t have to be slow, but it does have to be controlled.”

Jeff Nippard’s guide on the right way to do Lat pulldowns


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Jeff Nippard highlighted the importance of the negative phase, the part of the movement where the bar is being released back to the starting position. He explained that this phase is more crucial than the positive phase, where the bar is pulled down. “The negative is more important than the positive,” he emphasized to Jesse James West.

Another common mistake Nippard pointed out is ending the set prematurely. He said, “Because of the strength curve of the lats, you could probably bang out another at least five or six partial reps after you can’t get the bar down to your chest.” He advised partial reps can be performed to continue the set, ensuring that the muscles are fully fatigued.


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Furthermore, he suggested maintaining control during partial reps, just like full reps, but with a shorter range of motion. Amidst explanation, Jeff Nippard praised the 22-year-old Sam Sulek for his effective technique. He emphasized that when Sulek can’t lower the bar to his chest, he keeps going with shorter movements. This technique ensures that the muscles continue to be engaged and work to their full potential. He also emphasized three crucial points to correct your technique while doing Lat Pulldowns.

Before you begin Lat Pulldowns, here are 3 more points

In his earlier video, Nippard highlighted three crucial mistakes people make. He stressed the need for proper form during Lat Pulldowns. Nippard advised, “First, don’t lean back excessively.” He suggested staying upright at the top, then leaning back a bit, about 10 to 15 degrees, as you pull the bar down. This helps target the muscles better.


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Jeff Nippard also recommended using a thumbless grip for better muscle connection. Not wrapping the thumb around the bar can activate the lats more effectively, preventing the forearms from taking over. “If your grip fails this way, use straps. You want your back to be the limiting factor, not your forearms,” he added. And the final negative phase, urging you to lower the weight slowly to feel the back muscles working.“That final negative on your final rep may be the most important part of any rep you’ll do. Lower the weight slowly as you feel your back pulling apart,” Nippard explained.

Now, take note of the tips from the 32-year-old bodybuilding enthusiast to maximize your gains with Lat Pulldowns. Let us know if you have tried Lat Pulldowns this way or if you are also making mistakes.