
Ego lifting can get you in a lot of trouble, yet young gymgoers ignore this warning every time. Even the mentor of the big guns in the industry, Hany Rambod, with a total of 24 Olympia titles, thinks the same way and elucidates his fans about the same. Still, young gym freaks ignore all the advice and get seriously injured in the process of trying to look good.

The same incident took place at a high school weightlifting competition. The well-recognized Instagram page of the bodybuilding “Generation Iron” recently posted a video of the incident. Bodybuilding fans around the globe gathered and expressed their concern about the safety issues involved with such lifting in the comments section.

The potential risks of ego-lifting


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In the video, a very young bodybuilding enthusiast is seen lifting heavy weights at what looks like a clean-and-jerk competition. The young bodybuilding enthusiast tried to lift the weight on his own without any spotter. Everything looks right until he takes the weight to the top. As soon as the rod is above his head, things become difficult for the young fitness freak. He starts to lose his balance and struggles to maintain his balance, leading to a nasty fall on the ground with the plates falling dangerously close to his head. 

The young boy fell with the rod in his hand and evaded grave injury by just an inch. Despite avoiding an injury, the boy had a pretty good bang on the floor, and the exposed part of the rod, after filling it with weights, banged up on his head pretty badly. However, the boy got away this time with a scratch and a bump.


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This incident serves as the perfect example of the potential dangers of ego-lifting. The boy may have escaped in this case, but things might have easily taken a different route any second. Even pro bodybuilders avoid all the scenarios that lead them to ego lifting. Lifting heavier than your limits can leave you with a lifelong injury. Even bodybuilding fans expressed their worries about this topic in the comments.

A fan compared the short video to a scene from a horror movie

A fan raised a question that may have occurred to many and commented, “Y wasn’t there a spotter.” Another fan compared the short video to a famous horror movie franchise and wrote, “That was almost some final destination type.” A bodybuilding enthusiast used his words smartly, making a hilarious remark on the ego-lifting, and commented, “PR/ER.


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A fitness stickler suggested bailing out if you’re failing the lift, commenting, “Put your ego away & bail out of there. Just might save your life.” An Instagram user was shocked to see people risking their lives for a mere lift and commented, “I can’t believe people would risk their life like that.” A bodybuilding fan highlighted how the boy was saved from an injury that might have permanently affected his life. The fan wrote, “Bro was an inch away from a lobotomy.

After witnessing the incident, what are your views on the matter? Will you avoid lifting? What measures do you think everyone should take to avoid such circumstances? Let us know in the comments.