
In the world of bodybuilding, the use of androgens, specifically testosterone, has been a hot topic of discussion and a bone of contention for years. Recently, in an engaging podcast, seasoned bodybuilding coach John Romano and fitness expert Zack Zeigler delved into the psychological aspects of using these substances.

In a video shared by Muscle and Fitness on YouTube, where these two interacted with and received a lot of questions. One of them was when a curious fan posed a question that resonates with many contemplating the use of androgens: Does John think certain psychological profiles should avoid androgens altogether?”

Apart from getting ornery and livid at the drop of a hat, steroids allied effects


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In response to this, Romano emphasized that androgens, like testosterone, magnify existing traits. In essence, if you’re prone to a short fuse or a hot temper, introducing androgens could amplify these tendencies, leading to what is commonly known as “roid rage.”

He explained, Androgens pretty much make you more of what you already are. So if you’re already an a**h*le, testosterone is going to make you a bigger a**h*le.” He continued and stated emphatically, Roid rage is a real thing. Romano warned that if you’re someone who easily gets angry and resorts to physical actions, using androgens may bring unexpected psychological challenges. The key, he stressed, is to be aware of yourself and have a strong mindset to handle the possible psychological changes from androgens.

In addition, using androgens, as Romano explained, requires mental strength. Those deciding to use these substances need to be watchful of their own minds. The psychological effects can be deep, and without self-awareness, challenges may arise, both mentally and potentially legally. However, it not only affects psychologically; a former bodybuilder also emphasizes its side effects on a physical level.

Kali Muscle’s mission is to inspire others to a healthy lifestyle


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The 48-year-old bodybuilder, Kali Muscle, who survived a heart attack in 2021, is now on a mission to raise awareness about health. Since that incident, he’s been trying various ways to stay healthy and inspire others to prioritize their well-being.

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In a video, he shared, “I had a heart attack in November 2021, making me reconsider everything.” After this scare, he decided to make positive changes in his life. Muscle confessed, “I had to let go of addictions like steroids and bad carbs like white rice.” He also mentioned shedding weight, bringing himself down to 220 pounds.


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Through social media, he openly discussed his unhealthy habits, linking them to his hospitalization. Muscle hopes his journey serves as a teachable moment, emphasizing the importance of making healthy choices for a better life. So, the next you try on any supplement for muscle gain, remember these bodybuilders’ opinions about steroids and its potential side effects.