
In a surprising turn of events, 42-year-old William Bonac made a triumphant comeback and clinched victory at the 2024 EMPRO Classic. He has also earned his qualification for the 2024 Mr. Olympia. The competition was fierce, with bodybuilding enthusiasts taken aback by the result. While Bonac’s win was celebrated by many, a large faction of fans felt that Iranian Prince Behrouz Tabani had the edge to win the show.

The EMPRO Classic was an extraordinary spectacle, with Bonac’s comeback being a highlight. Despite earning the $12,000 cash prize and the trophy, there was significant debate over the judging decisions. Fans believed that Tabani had the best chance to take home the win, showcasing remarkable form during the prejudging phase.

The EMPRO Classic concluded on June 16 with stunning results. The glimpses of the show have been highlighted on the internet, and Jonathan Moriau and the EMPRO Classic team shared a series of nine images on Instagram. These snapshots depicted the mandatory bodybuilding poses from the prejudging round. With a caption that read, “@william_bonac makes an INCREDIBLE comeback! But after what looked like a certain victory after prejudging, William encounters a MUCH improved @behrouz_tabani at finals. But is it enough to take that @emproclassic title?”


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However, the top five standings of the EMPRO Classic saw Bonac in first place, followed closely by Behrouz Tabani in second. The former EMPRO classic champ Michal Krizo Krizanek secured third, with the returning Iranian/British athlete Sasan Heirati ranking fourth and Anthony Jehl rounding out the top five.
Enthusiasts noted that Behrouz had superior structure, better lats, a more defined midsection, and greater width compared to Bonac. Behrouz had the better package — his upper body was fuller, and his back conditioning, especially the glutes and hamstrings, was top-notch. Despite the controversy, Bonac’s performance was undeniably impressive. However, many felt his midsection wasn’t as developed as Tabani’s. Tabani’s loss felt personal to many, as they flooded the comment section with admiration and support for the Iranian bodybuilder.

Fans outraged by EMPRO Classic results and support Behrouz Tabani

The bodybuilding fans are buzzing with opinions following William Bonac’s win at the EMPRO Classic over Behrouz Tabani.  They think his physical condition and muscle definition were incredible throughout the competition. “Behroz wins literally every pose. His condition is insane,” added one commentator. A few slammed the judges, explaining that Behrouz’s superiority was so evident that even a young child with no expertise could see he deserved to win. They wrote, “Even if a five-year-old kid sees these photos, he’ll say that the championship was a right to Behrouz.”


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Despite not winning the show, according to fans, “Behrouz: real champ.” Fans were brutal with their opinion and implied that Bonac’s win might be due to his fame rather than his on-stage display. “It’s sometimes a popularity contest…” remarked one user. Netizens think the judges favored Bonac too much and that Behrouz was the rightful winner, “I believe the judges were too generous in awarding the championship to Bonac. In my opinion, @behrouz_tabani truly deserved the title given his outstanding performance.” Amidst criticism, one acknowledged that both athletes had strong points, and it was a tough call, saying, “I’m divided. I like some Bonac, some Behrouz. Very close contest.”

The bodybuilding community remains divided as the dust settles with a mix of support and controversy. While Bonac’s victory earns him a spot at Mr. Olympia, many will watch to see if Behrouz Tabani can leverage his momentum and capture the title in future competitions.