
One might think following a perfect workout regime and lifting weights is the most difficult part of bodybuilding. But the four-time Mr. Olympia Jay Cutler thinks dieting is the most difficult part of his journey. As he had a massive behemoth physique weighing around 290 pounds, maintaining it required extra attention. 

Usually, in Cutler’s Jaywalking series, he addresses general doubts and queries regarding fitness and bodybuilding. This time, he touched upon the topic of dieting and explained the troubles he has maintaining a strict diet.  

Cutler wishes to have five meals a day


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The hardest part about bodybuilding and I always said the food, and it’s like now I’m having trouble getting enough food,” Cutler said. According to Cutler, he still has a good appetite, but he finds it difficult to ensure the preparation of his meals. He further mentioned that he carries his meals whenever he travels and wishes to have five meals a day.

The 290-pound massive mass monster said, “I think certain people can compete on anything; it really depends on their genetics and how far they want to go.” Continuing in the video, he shifted everyone’s focus to shakes. Cutler said, “The shake thing is the biggest question mark, right?” The Quadstomp reminisced about his 2001 era when he almost defeated the eight-time Mr. Olympia, Ronnie Coleman. He shared that he consumed protein powders and rice for his 2001 appearance on the stage. He further added, “I would eat some whole meal but I would was definitely having you know after training protein.”


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Cutler thinks the perfect time for eating egg whites is before bed, highlighting their easily digestible nature. Instead of eating steak like others, he mentions only being an egg-white guy. Steak makes you feel fuller, whereas egg white keeps you light throughout the night. Earlier, the four-time Mr. Olympia shared how many egg whites he ate back in his prime.  

Cutler cracked eggs non-stop

In a podcast held by Mike Sartain on his YouTube channel, Cutler unveiled his diet from his bodybuilding days. The 290-pound mass monster said, “I’m not going to lie, there was a lot of diets I ate 140 egg whites a day. So I was cracking eggs non-stop.” Continuing, he added, “I was eating thirty egg whites a meal then.”


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Cutler needed at least 500 grams of protein each day, and according to him, egg whites only have three grams of protein. The reason he avoided eating the yolk was because the yolk contains a lot of cholesterol and might be harmful. Apart from eating 140 egg whites, he also ate four pounds of meat every day to maintain his behemoth physique. 

Do you also face difficulties in preparing the right meal while bulking? Let us know in the comments.