
Instagram has been flooded with the heated “Natty or Not” debate, stirring up strong conversation about whether fitness influencers are genuine or not. The debate has divided the community, causing a rift in opinions. This hot topic has led to questioning the authenticity of an influencer’s impressive physique.

This situation escalated when a well-known bodybuilder and social media figure Kenny C Boulet, aka Kenny Ko, entered the scene. He posted a video on Instagram featuring Ashton Hall, a fitness influencer with a striking physique who claims to be natural. Despite the influencer’s claim, Boulet openly expressed doubt. 

Unveiling the Reality of Fitness Influencers


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The video featured Ashton Hall, a fitness influencer and entrepreneur displaying his incredible physique. When asked about his training and drug use, he insisted he’d been natural for 13 years. Despite Hall’s claims, Kenny wasted no time in expressing his doubts about the authenticity of Hall’s natural status.


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Kenny said, “Natural c’mon bro.” adding, “I thought we were past the whole fitness influencers claiming natural status when they obviously are not.” He continued, “A physique can’t lie, obviously, you can.” 

Despite the efforts at being honest, some still choose to pretend they are natural, ignoring the clear evidence. This makes it hard for people to trust them. Let’s take a closer look at KO’s thoughts on Ritchson’s testosterone use.

A Closer Look at Ritchson’s Fitness Journey


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Actor Alan Ritchson talked about his fitness journey, saying he worked hard and had low testosterone levels. But KO didn’t buy it and questioned Ritchson’s claims, saying people who use performance-enhancing substances often tell similar stories. KO simply said,” Bro, you’re just not natty,” showing his disbelief on the matter.

Read More: “Stop Being a Fake Natty”: Bodybuilding Icon Rips 20-Year-Old With an Unbelievable Physique Claiming to Be Natural

Ritchson countered KO, saying he only took testosterone after the first season of his show. KO made a sarcastic comparison between Ritchson and Mike O’Hearn. Despite Ritchson admitting to using testosterone publicly, KO’s suspicion shows that the debate about being natural in the fitness world is still going on.


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“Natty or Not,” the debate continues to reverberate within the fitness community, with social media serving as the battleground for authenticity. KO’s suspicions about Hall’s and Ritchson’s claims highlight the ongoing struggle for authenticity in the community.

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